May 2020 - Looking Back/Moving Forward
May is another big month in a big year but it also carries a softness that will help to inspire romance, creativity and heart openings. 2020 was anticipated to pack a wallop with the game changing planetary energy that started us off, but I think I can speak for many when I say the last 4 months have been off the charts. We are creeping up to the second half of the year and May acts as our gateway to the next chapter. At the start of the month, we have a string of planets going retrograde, the Lunar Nodes are changing signs and by the month’s end, we are preparing to enter Eclipse Season.
April 2020 - What Now?
It’s Aries Season. It’s a time for new beginnings, fresh starts, and the renewal of life. But this isn’t your usual Aries Season. In the midst of a major world change we have to stay put. How do we move forward in this new time? Spring arrives against a backdrop of Saturn’s social distancing and quarantines and a major meetup of Jupiter and Pluto that could shape what happens next. The combination of cosmic forces happening in April could be quite volatile, and we may see and feel an increase in heightened emotions. But with all of this, there is also incredible opportunity for growth and abundance too.
March 2020 - Refresh and Renew
On March 4, Mercury retrograde enters Aquarius, perhaps also helping to clear minds as Mercury moves to air and away from watery Pisces. As Mercury re-enters Aquarius, we begin to question our friendships and connections, perhaps start thinking about the future. Possible negative manifestations are problems with friends and groups, political disagreements, technical glitches and mental anxiety.
February 2020 - Calm after the Storm
February is a much lighter month than January and will help all of us to ease into the new vibrations that 2020 has in store for us.
We begin the month with the Sun making its annual visit to independence loving Aquarius until February 18 and passionate Mars is in Sagittarius, the sign of freedom and adventure, until February 16. Venus, the planet of romance, shifts into trailblazing Aries on February 7 which means Venus and Mars will all be in fire signs.