December 2021 - The Last Hurrah

December 2021 - The Last Hurrah

The astrology forecast for December the focus moves towards the upcoming transits that will take us into 2022 and the retrograde of Venus, as well as Jupiter’s entrance into Pisces.

By the time the new moon solar eclipse in Sagittarius arrives on December 4, the romantic fog can quickly become confusing. At this powerful lunation, the sun, moon, and Mercury will be squaring Neptune in Pisces. While this lunation is vibrant and optimistic, it’s not a great time to begin anything new. Eclipses are about surrendering, especially when Neptune is trying to get us off the mundane and into the world of dreams and fantasy. This month, avoid as many responsibilities as you can and let yourself be inspired.

Taurus Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse

Taurus Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse

Welcome to eclipse season! Ready or not, the eclipses are here! No one is spared during eclipses; we all feel the cosmic force. This full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus occurred in the wee hours of the morning on November 19 at 3:57 am for us on the East Coast. It is the first eclipse on the Taurus and Scorpio axis, which is the preliminary energy for when the Lunar Nodes change signs in January of 2022 to July 17, 2023. This eclipse is the longest partial eclipse of the century.

October 2021 - Cosmic Shifts and Changes

October 2021 - Cosmic Shifts and Changes

A truly wonderful month lies ahead of us, filled with opportunities for success, romance, and personal growth. While October will certainly feel like a slow month, it will give us an opportunity to reflect on our progress thus far and better assess how we’d like to complete our 2021 story.

The astrology of October picks up quickly with the arrival of the new moon on October 6. This lunation is aligned with Mars (also in Libra), adding passion, energy, and courage to our relationships and agreements. Mars has been fueling this zodiac sign since mid-September and while we will collectively see a focus on all relationships at this time, conflicts could come up, especially if we are stuck in an indecisive or passive-aggressive pattern. The best use of this energy is to align with people who are mirrors to us, aiding our goals and cooperating at our sides. Flying solo will get you nowhere fast now.

September 2021 - Shifting into a New Season

September 2021 - Shifting into a New Season

September’s forecast puts the brakes on for a bit. Both the Sun and Mars are in stable Virgo. Virgo gets things done, but at its own pace. What is really causing the slowdown is we have five planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto in retrograde motion with Mercury joining them at the end of the month. These planets won’t station direct until mid-October and this is not a time to make any big shifts that haven’t been fully thought out. Take a big step back and look at your options. Think of how any weighty decision might affect you by the end of the year and several years down the line. Set any reactive feelings aside as best as you can and look at the big picture.