September 2021 - Shifting into a New Season

September’s forecast puts the brakes on for a bit. Both the Sun and Mars are in stable Virgo. Virgo gets things done, but at its own pace.  What is really causing the slowdown is we have five planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto in retrograde motion with Mercury joining them at the end of the month. These planets won’t station direct until mid-October and this is not a time to make any big shifts that haven’t been fully thought out. Take a big step back and look at your options. Think of how any weighty decision might affect you by the end of the year and several years down the line. Set any reactive feelings aside as best as you can and look at the big picture. 

The energy picks up with the arrival of the Virgo New Moon, which occurs on September 6. On this day, three positive aspects are packed in one day: Venus trine Jupiter, Mars trine Pluto, and Sun trine Uranus. With cosmic lovers Venus and Mars so strong during this New Moon, there’s a lot of positive change and growth for relationships. Old habits, past experiences, and hurts can now be forgotten in favor of more trust. Mercury, the planetary ruler of this lunation, is currently in relationship-oriented Libra. This combination hints at healing within bonds being important during this time.

September gets intense as Venus leaves her domicile to enter the compelling waters of Scorpio September 10. In traditional astrology, Scorpio is Venus’ sign of fall, meaning she is not able to work her magic, but if you’re into power plays that lead to intense sexual experiences, this is your transit. During her time in Scorpio, Venus will square Saturn and oppose retrograde Uranus so this transit is not for the faint of heart. In a way, Venus will be helping us welcome the forces of change within our most important connections.

Energy planet Mars will be in Virgo until September 14, and then it slips into its least favorite zodiac sign of Libra. Mars is the planet of war and aggression; Libra, the divine diplomat who wants peace, love and harmony. It’s an uncomfortable mix that may not do much to help the efforts at healing our divided world. 

During the last ten days of the month, the astrology of September gets super busy. On September 20, we have the Pisces Full Moon. Pisces energy can sometimes dissipate itself by over-commitment to too many projects. Fortunately, the Virgo Sun will help you focus, commit and to bring those heaven-inspired dreams down to earth. Every Full Moon in the monthly cycle is a time for culmination. It always indicates a shift in matters at hand. 

On September 22, we welcome the Autumn Equinox as the bright Sun enters Libra, heralding another time of deep transformation. During this transit we take stock of the balance or lack of in our lives. Are we in harmony with ourselves or are we our own worst enemies.  In Libra, the Sun is social, accommodating and fair-minded, but we must guard against becoming indecisive, self-indulgent and gullible. The Libra Sun encourages harmony between the individual self and the shared self.

Mercury in Libra will start its last retrograde of 2021 on September 27, closing full circle what it began back in January when retrograding in Aquarius. Mercury will station retrograde in Libra while forming a catalyzing square with retrograde Pluto in Capricorn that will intensify exploration of internal patterns that have been shaping the way you interpret and communicate information. With Mars also present in Libra and forming a conjunction with Mercury while it is retrograde, it will be a cathartic time period for purging what you are ready to shed and regenerating your desire and determination to fulfill your purpose in life. Mercury retrograde in the sign of the Scales can help recalibrate your relationship with old issues to bring about greater resolution. Since Libra is an air sign, you will be most effective by remaining flexible and agile while penetrating relational dynamics, gaining increased realization for adjustments that need to be made.

Click here for your September horoscopes