September 2023 Horoscopes


March 21-April 19

Creative projects and fun plans that have been on hold will start to gain speed once again. It’s great, however, it’s likely that you’ll be busy with work, and if not work, general life responsibilities are keeping you rooted where you are. You may experience the frustrating tension between work and play. Strategize so that you’re able to experience both with as much of your mindful presence as possible.


April 20-May 20

If you’ve been overindulging, this is an excellent time to slow down your overconsumption to a more sustainable level. This can apply to any context—overindulgence in food, maybe you’re exercising too and risking injury, overindulging in pessimism and not enough hope, overspending, so much protecting your peace you’re now isolated, etc. Find the moderation you need as your holistic wellness is the focus of the month. Where in your life can you exercise more balance?


May 21-June 21

It’s your time to enjoy some of the changes you’ve had to enact in the past couple of months in terms of your daily routines. Perhaps you had to move, or there’s been some changes in your day-to-day environment that required you to adjust. Hopefully, you’ll start to reap what you sow and experience the rewards of your efforts. But also, try to remember that it’s more about the process of showing up, versus fixating on the results. Give yourself as much grace and compassion as possible. 


June 22-July 22

The past couple of months have been about reviewing your needs and management of your resources. Perhaps it was about reevaluating your relationship with money, but it could’ve also been about strategizing your workload so you’re not overextending yourself beyond what’s expected. Overall, it’s a wake-up call to prioritize what feels healthy in terms of sustaining your livelihood. The fall equinox is an excellent time for you to spend your days with a good mix of intentional planning and spontaneity. In short, shed the martyr complex and don’t work hard unnecessarily! 


July 23-Aug. 22

Do you feel a deeper connection to yourself or is the question bringing up more feelings of grief and disappointment? The thing is, focusing on you is not always a feel-good experience. Part of prioritizing your growth is being honest about what’s no longer true for you. Regardless of what the context may be about, the month ahead is about a deeper self-inquiry into how much you actually support yourself. Self-abandonment can be so effortless that sometimes it’s hard to recognize it’s even happening. 


Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Most of the lethargy and/or welcomed rest of the past month, will come to a close, for better or worse. On some level, it’s nice to finally start moving forward on some stalled projects, or if you’ve been under the weather, it’ll feel nice to be more energized. The downtime of the last days of summer should help clarify some of your life goals and dreams. Pick up where you left off, slowly but surely. 


Sept. 23-Oct. 22

The fall equinox is usually a pleasant reset for you, dear Libra. It’s an excellent time to pull back, prioritize reflection time, and quietly live your days with intention and purpose. This doesn’t have to look like a lack of activity—sometimes quite the contrary. Amid the busyness, bring back the focus on your body’s needs as you move through the last quarter of the year. 


Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Spring and summer were undoubtedly busy for you, dear Scorpio. Even if you may feel like the results weren’t immediately clear, it’s likely that the past few months have resulted in well-needed changes, especially around your work and overall life path. You likely found yourself needing to re/connect with valued folks in your circle and frankly, all that socializing is probably catching up to you. The good news is that the fall equinox is usually a signal for slowing down and going inward—especially for you. If you can, pare down on your responsibilities and spend more time in your hermit cave. 


Nov. 22-Dec. 21

It’s time to launch the ideas you’ve been sitting on for the past few months. Whether they’re personal or work-oriented in nature, it’s time to take some action even if conditions aren’t the most ideal. You’re likely to learn more as you go instead of waiting for the “perfect timing.” The best time is when you do it. Trust yourself more and lean into the sense of play and creativity that’s available to you right now. 


Dec. 22-Jan. 19

It’s quite a cliché, but there’s a back-to-school vibe going on for you this month ahead. Whether you’re literally starting school or perhaps doing some professional development training, it’ll feel pleasant to take on the work ahead, especially if there’s been some delays. Perhaps you’re lucky that this time signals the start of a vacation or new travels. Whatever you’re up to, the fall equinox is about looking forward with hope toward the future. 


Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Some of the mysteries of your relationship predicaments will begin to unveil and become clearer as the month progresses. As you move forward, issues in your life that require resolutions will require a more task-oriented approach. It doesn’t all look like an external action or event per se. Some of it may just be about a reframe in your mindset and perspective. Those can be incredibly helpful. Your connection with your families of origin will be up for review and reevaluation this autumn. 


Feb. 19-March 20

Your mission for the month ahead is to figure out how to balance your need for treats (of all kinds) and the necessary discipline required to live a long and healthy life. In short, is it still a treat if you treat yourself every day? Some things you have to work hard for and the key is finding the sweet balance between pleasure and purpose. This fall equinox is about resetting your daily habits with as much kindness to yourself as possible.