October 2021 - Cosmic Shifts and Changes

A truly wonderful month lies ahead of us, filled with opportunities for success, romance, and personal growth. While October will certainly feel like a slow month, it will give us an opportunity to reflect on our progress thus far and better assess how we’d like to complete our 2021 story.

The astrology of October picks up quickly with the arrival of the new moon on October 6. This lunation is aligned with Mars (also in Libra), adding passion, energy, and courage to our relationships and agreements. Mars has been fueling this zodiac sign since mid-September and while we will collectively see a focus on all relationships at this time, conflicts could come up, especially if we are stuck in an indecisive or passive-aggressive pattern. The best use of this energy is to align with people who are mirrors to us, aiding our goals and cooperating at our sides. Flying solo will get you nowhere fast now.

While a sluggish pace is sure to be felt all month, particularly now that Mercury has joined the retrograde alliance, the planets will begin to orbit direct ensuring that major projects, initiatives, and plans will also see important turning points. Whenever a planet stations direct, they are especially powerful and we see a sudden breakthrough depending on what the planet is and where it resides within the sky.

First, powerhouse Pluto will turn direct on October 6, aiding global financial and ruling structures. Next, mighty Saturn will follow suit on October 10. This will certainly impose more restrictions and regulations on communities and global networks in the months to come. In many ways, we had a reprieve in recent months, but the iron fist of those in power will now be asserted more aggressively, particularly in relation to the global pandemic. Benevolent Jupiter will swoop in like the cavalry as he returns to glory on October 18. From now until December 28, Jupiter will bring his greatest blessings to global communities and our lives. Watch what pops up in the days around here, as you’ll very quickly see a new path emerge for you to follow.

Our goddess of love and beauty, Venus, will remain within Scorpio until October 7, feeding the flames of our hearts and bodies when she moves into fiery Sagittarius. She will encourage us to pursue spontaneity, adventure, and excitement in our relationships. It is time to create a bold new love story with someone who sets your heart free or chase the sunset with the partner at your side. 

Click here for your horoscopes for October  

A fiery full moon in Aries arrives on the October 20. The energy of this full moon will draw attention to “me” versus “we” and how we embrace our independence. Mars remains close to the sun and forms a trine to Jupiter bringing luck to those who assert themselves and stand up for what they believe in. However, Mars will square Pluto, guaranteeing that there will be power struggles and people who do their best to stand in the way. Use the diplomacy of the Libra sun to ease tensions.

The Sun moves into Scorpio on October 22. In Scorpio, the Sun helps in illuminating upon our relationships through a more in depth understanding of them.  However, as a water sign, Scorpio's energy is more intuitive than logical and more instinctive than reasonable. Scorpios place great importance and are usually focused on uncovering what lies beneath the surface to identify find truth, down to its core. While the Sun is in Scorpio, make a conscious effort to listen to your gut feelings more often, nurture your intuitive abilities, and give in to the Sun's urgings for us to dig deeper. It is through this deeper, fuller understanding that allows us to push through, become empowered, and then transformed. 

Finally Mars enters Scorpio on October 30. From now until December 13, Mars festers within the land of passions, desires, and sex - one of his favorite places to be. We will become cunning and strategic, and crave “all or nothing” in everything that we do. Utilize this energy to achieve much and transform yourself like a phoenix.