October 2023 Horoscopes


Relationships will be high on the agenda this month until October 23, Aries, so this is a great time to forge agreements, negotiate, and make deals in general. You’ll also be eager to enhance your social life and spend more time with close ones. Talkative Mercury will be in Libra from the fourth to the twenty-second, which can enhance communication and make it easier to hold fruitful discussions. Plus, lovely Venus moves into Virgo and your lifestyle sector on October 8, so you’ll find it easy to get along with coworkers and others you connect with in everyday life. Are you ready to change your habits? Link up with friends who share your goals and it will be much easier. Dynamic Mars, your guide planet, heads into sizzling Scorpio on the eleventh for a stay of six weeks, which means you’ll develop a laser-like focus that can help you get things done. Superficial activities might not appeal to you, but anything involving a mystery and detective work certainly will. On October 14, the new moon and solar eclipse are in tactful Libra, which can herald a new start in a key relationship. This looks like a very positive time when moving a relationship forward, taking on a business partner, or collaborating can be helpful. The radiant sun eases into intensive Scorpio on the twenty-third, which means the coming month or so is a great opportunity to let go of anything that no longer serves your best interests. You already know where you have blocks and difficulties, and this is your opportunity to deal with them. Finally, there’s a powerful lunar eclipse in Taurus on October 28 that highlights money and your financial potential. You might have a desire to splurge, but try to rein this in. You might also realize that you have hidden talents that have been languishing unused. Now is the time to make some money from them.


Taurus, the emphasis on your lifestyle sector until October 23 could inspire you to make changes that have been in the cards for a while. What you’re looking for is balance and the opportunity to work smarter rather than harder. What don’t you like doing? Whatever it is, think about jettisoning it so you can focus on those things you enjoy or that pay better. Make use of the solar eclipse in Libra on the fourteenth to make long-lasting changes. If you’ve been thinking of leaving a job and moving to something more engaging, or taking steps to get fitter and healthier, this is the time to start. What you begin now could have a very positive and uplifting effect that you’ll appreciate further down the line. On October 8, convivial Venus moves into Virgo, which can highlight your creative and romantic side. This is a great opportunity to showcase your work, especially if you have a skill or talent that has remained hidden up to now. You could be surprised by the number of people who are interested. The focus becomes more intense when fiery Mars enters Scorpio and your sector of relating on the eleventh. Mercury and the sun move into this sign a couple weeks later, so there could be some powerful moments in key bonds and associations. You might want to rewrite the script that underpins an important relationship, especially if you become aware of unspoken ideas or beliefs that are holding things back. You could have some dynamic conversations too, and the outcome could be that important situations and issues change for good. Finally, there’s a powerful lunar eclipse in your sign and across your relationship axis on October 28. This could intensify feelings and highlight any issues that have been swept under the carpet. Whatever changes you make now could be major turning points that take your bond in a new direction. 


This can also be a very romantic and creative time when you’ll enjoy connecting with others for fun and pleasure. If you’re ready to date, the coming weeks until the twenty-third can be excellent for linking up with people who share your interests. There’s a solar eclipse in Libra on October 14, so you have the chance for a new beginning. You might be ready to take a budding romance further and commit to a deeper walk. You might also want to showcase your creative skills and become more visible in this regard. In addition, lovely Venus moves into Virgo on the eighth, which is perfect for entertaining and giving your place a makeover. If it has been some time since you considered new décor, you’ll be eager to look for some creative ideas online and in magazines. There’s a powerful shift in the cards once Mars moves into Scorpio and your lifestyle sector on October 11. Life could become more intense from this point on, especially since Mercury and the sun move in a couple weeks later. You’ll be ready to make changes to your lifestyle, and some of these could be quite dramatic. You’ll have a lot of energy and be able to focus it in a very concentrated way. Be sure to choose goals that will benefit you, because whatever you focus on at this time will be all-consuming. Finally, there’s a powerful focus on Mars too as the red planet opposes jubilant Jupiter on the twenty-eighth. This is one time when it would be well worth acting on an intuitive nudge. 


Cancer, you’ll be busy with domestic tasks and projects as the month gets underway. A focus on your family sector until October 23 encourages you to take a step back from life and focus on homey pursuits. This is a chance to spend more time with close ones as well as nurture yourself. Take the time to recharge and think about your priorities. Logical Mercury moves into Libra on the fourth, so you might be eager to get organized and shift some of those paper piles and stacks of stuff that have been taking up valuable space for too long. On October 14, there is a solar eclipse in Libra that hints at a new beginning. Whether you’re thinking of moving, remodeling your place, starting a family, or increasing the family you have, things could get moving under this potent influence. However, as dynamic Mars moves into Scorpio on the eleventh, things could take a more intense and passionate turn, especially when it comes to romance and creative hobbies. Whatever you love to do, you’ll engage with it in a very focused way. There will be no half measures. The sun glides into Scorpio on October 23, so the coming four weeks or so can be a call to kick back and explore those activities that bring you the most pleasure. You’ll find that the things you enjoy doing the most are also very therapeutic. Then get ready, because there’s a lunar eclipse in Taurus and your social sector on the twenty-eighth. Emotions could be running high, so think about this if you’re going to an event or on a date. There’s a chance of some drama occurring as well as issues that have been pushed under the carpet rising to the surface to be resolved. There is also an upbeat Mars-Jupiter aspect on the same day, which could coincide with a sizzling encounter. 


This can be a time of interesting conversations, Leo, with a focus on your sector of talk and thought until October 23. With the sun in Libra and Mercury here from the fourth to the twenty-second, this is the perfect time to close deals, negotiate, mediate, and brainstorm. If you work in the media or communication industry, it looks like you could be in demand. The solar eclipse in Libra on October 14 heralds a new beginning. This potent lunar phase is great for kick-starting new projects or taking a current plan or business in a new direction. You might be pushed into taking on more than you think you can handle. However, the cosmos has other ideas and could encourage you to overcome your fear and go for it anyway. Dynamic Mars moves into Scorpio and your home and family zone on the eleventh for visit of around six weeks. This intense influence could have a powerful and far-reaching effect, bringing buried feelings to the surface and encouraging a clean sweep. If you plan to get rid of clutter or you need to sort out someone else’s belongings, it could be quite an emotional task, so be prepared. The sun moves into Scorpio on October 23 for a stay of around a month, and the emphasis will be very much on domestic affairs. This is an opportunity to unwind and recharge, especially if you’ve been feeling overwhelmed lately. Try not to take your work or worries home with you. Make a point of nurturing yourself and getting more rest and sleep. There’s a lunar eclipse in your career zone on the twenty-eighth, which can be an opportunity to enhance your social media following and gain appreciation for the work you do. You could be in the spotlight, so be very careful about what you put out on social media or other places. It could either enhance or damage your reputation. 


There’s a focus on your personal finances as this month unfolds, Virgo, and it continues until October 23. This is your opportunity to balance the books, cut back on expenses, and consider creating a budget that takes into account the extra demands of the coming holiday season. If you’re ready to get organized, you might want to set money aside to help you fund the months ahead. And with lively Mercury, your guide planet, moving into Libra on the fourth, you might enjoy creating a quick spreadsheet to help you stay on track. There is a solar eclipse in Libra on October 14, which gives you a chance for a new beginning. If aspects of your finances have gotten out of hand, this is the ideal opportunity to set things right. It’s also possible that you’ll be pushed into doing so. If so, it might feel uncomfortable at the time, but know that it’s ultimately for the best. If you’re kick-starting a side hustle, it could blossom into something bigger than you imagined. Dynamic Mars moves into Scorpio and your sector of talk and thought on the eleventh, followed by Mercury and the sun on the twenty-second and twenty-third, respectively. This developing emphasis on a very intense sign could have quite an impact on your outlook and mindset. Under this influence, you’ll find it easy to read between the lines and know who you can trust and who you should avoid. Anyone too superficial won’t appeal to you; you’ll go for depth every time. This can also be an excellent time to do business. You’ll know a good deal when you see one and steer clear of anything that seems dodgy. Finally, there’s a powerful lunar eclipse in Taurus and your sector of far horizons on October 28. This could be quite an interesting time as you look for new opportunities. You might discover something that checks all the boxes, possibly something that’s been hiding in plain sight, so stay alert. 


Libra, the sun in your sign until October 23 means that you’ll truly be in your element and able to express yourself more authentically. The coming weeks are your time to shine, express yourself, and show your leadership abilities. You are usually a very giving person who can put others’ needs ahead of your own, but during this time it’s okay to be a little selfish by putting yourself first. In fact, this is something you should do—it could be quite a revelation. You’ll benefit by setting a few boundaries too. Talkative Mercury moves into your sign on the fourth, adding to this positive time because it encourages you to express yourself and share your opinions and perspectives. Another key date this month is when there’s a solar eclipse in your sign on October 14. This eclipse is like a turbocharged new moon and is perfect for creating a fresh start. Whether you want to adopt more healthy or more productive habits, kick-start projects or challenges, or take a relationship to a new level, this is the time to go ahead. There’s also a shift in your personal financial sector that begins as fiery Mars moves into Scorpio on the eleventh. It’s followed into this sign by Mercury and the sun a couple weeks later. This means that money matters could become intense. If you’ve reached a point where things are getting out of control, this is when you’ll be eager to get back on track. You’ll be looking to be as resourceful as possible and save when you can. You might also be ready to start a side hustle, especially if it will give you more financial leeway each month. Finally, there is a lunar eclipse in Taurus and across your financial axis on October 28. This could also be a turning point where money is concerned because a decision you make could change your financial landscape for some time to come. Be sure it’s the right decision for you. 


Scorpio, you might be partial to spending some time alone as October gets underway. With the sun in your spiritual sector until October 23, this is one of the best times to relax and recharge. It isn’t a great idea to initiate any new plans at this point because you’ll be busy tying up loose ends and finding closure on key issues. When these tasks are done, however, you’ll have space to welcome new opportunities once the sun enters your sign on that date. There is a potent solar eclipse in Libra on the fourteenth that could coincide with a revelation or powerful intuition that opens new possibilities for you. Perhaps you’ll find the missing piece of a puzzle that helps you put everything in perspective and gives you answers you’ve been seeking for a while. Whatever occurs, you’ll feel ready to move forward and initiate a new phase of your development. The focus gradually shifts to your sign as warrior Mars moves in on October 11, followed by Mercury and the sun a couple weeks later. Dynamic Mars in Scorpio can be very powerful, so this is your invitation to embrace that power and use it constructively. You’ll have a lot of energy at your disposal, so it would be a good idea to channel it wisely. You’ll feel more confident and ready to shine your light once the sun moves into your sign on the twenty-third. This is a great opportunity to showcase your skills and take the lead when it comes to living the life of your dreams. Finally, there’s a lunar eclipse in Taurus and across your relationship axis on October 28 that could be quite an emotional time. But if your relationship is strong, you’ll be able to take it in stride. Still, you might experience a fallout with a friend or business partner, so think carefully before you say or do anything you might come to regret later. 


Sagittarius, the emphasis on your social zone encourages you to get out and about and inspires you to make new connections. This is a great time for networking and moving in new circles. If you’ve been thinking about joining a club or group that caters to your interests, this is when you’ll likely go ahead. The people you meet now could have ideas or opportunities that you find intriguing and want to be a part of. And with a solar eclipse in Libra on October 14, someone you connect with could have quite a profound influence on your life. A meeting might turn into a positive collaboration, business partnership, or even romance. Something you create together could work out well for both of you. As the month continues, the focus gradually shifts to the sign of Scorpio and your spiritual sector. Assertive Mars moves in first on the eleventh, followed by communicative Mercury and the sun a couple weeks later. Even though you’ll be busy, a side of you might be ready to reflect on your life and priorities. This could be a time when you’re eager to make changes to your inner game. You’ll be very determined in this regard and perhaps eager to work with a life coach or teacher who can help you take the next steps on your journey. In fact, the coming weeks could be a time of intense transformation, and you might emerge from it feeling like a different person. This is also a chance to tie up loose ends and find closure on issues that have been hanging over you and holding you back for some time. Finally, there’s a lunar eclipse in Taurus and your lifestyle sector that occurs across your spiritual axis on October 28. During this time you’ll be thinking deeply about your daily activities, any sense of being overwhelmed, and what you can do to make things better. 


Capricorn, the sun in Libra and your career sector encourages you to showcase all that is great about you and get yourself noticed. This is a great opportunity to stand out from the crowd and allow others to appreciate how brilliant you are. If you’re thinking about enhancing your image or dressing to impress, this is a good time to go ahead. You’ll be ready to work alongside others to reach your goals, and you’ll get much more done than you could solo. There is also a powerful solar eclipse in Libra and your career zone on October 14 that could usher in a new beginning. You might decide to branch out in a new direction, and if so, the coming weeks and months will reveal just how savvy you are to do so. You might also be offered an opportunity, given a promotion, or start a business. Whatever it is, the cosmos is encouraging you to take this bold new step forward. Your destiny awaits. There is a gradual shift to the sign of Scorpio and your friendship sector as October gathers pace. Warrior Mars moves into the sign on the eleventh, followed by Mercury and the sun a couple weeks later. You’ll be ready to take your social life to the next level. This is the perfect opportunity to link up with people who have power and influence. You’ll be eager to move in new circles to make beneficial connections. The coming weeks are great for enhancing your business prospects and finding new clients. The more you get out and network, attend events, and embrace new opportunities, the more success you’ll have. Finally, there is a lunar eclipse in Taurus and across your leisure axis on October 28. Tension could erupt and friends could act out of character. You might need to distance yourself from someone or a group if they are no longer helpful to you.


Are you ready for something different, Aquarius? The sun’s presence in Libra and your sector of far horizons until October 23 can be a liberating experience. You’ll be looking for new opportunities and the chance to travel, and you might want to study or just dive into new experiences. This is the time to move beyond your comfort zone, eliminate fear, and allow yourself to accomplish great things. Talkative Mercury moves into Libra on the fourth, which will add to your enjoyment over the coming weeks. Its presence here will encourage you to reach out to others, make new friends, and learn as you go. The people you meet could be uplifting and a joy to be around. There’s also a solar eclipse in Libra on October 14, which could push you to embrace a challenge or bold opportunity. You want to travel around the world, work abroad, or do something extraordinary that could present quite a learning curve. If you go ahead, it will change you, and you’ll benefit from the experience you gain. As the month continues, the emphasis gradually shifts to Scorpio and your sector of goals and career. Go-getter Mars moves in first on the eleventh, followed by Mercury and the sun on the twenty-second and twenty-third, respectively. Your focus will be on pushing ahead toward your chosen goal by putting in 100 percent of your effort. You’ll be ready to give it your all. Mars in this sector can make you very competitive. You won’t be at all squeamish about stepping on other people’s toes if you want to get ahead. But you could also clash with those in authority from time to time. Be careful, because this might not do you any favors. The sun’s presence in Scorpio encourages you to stand out from the crowd by promoting yourself in an intense way. Avoid half measures and go full out. Finally, the lunar eclipse in Taurus on October 28 could coincide with a revolution. Something on the home front is about to shift. 


Pisces, October begins on an intense note with the sun in Libra and a powerfully emotional zone until October 23. This sector is also associated with finance, business, change, and transformation. You have an opportunity to shine a light on your affairs and think about what you can do to improve them. Whether you want your business to be more successful or you want to get your money working harder for you, this is the time to do your research and take action. There’s a solar eclipse in Libra on the fourteenth, and you’ll be ready for a new beginning. This might be when you decide to let go of certain situations, find closure on key issues, or perhaps wind down a relationship, especially if you’re being held back. The result of doing so could be that you’ll feel much lighter and freer and eager to embrace new developments. This month, assertive Mars moves into Scorpio on October 11, followed by Mercury and the sun a couple weeks later. This could inspire you to reach out and enjoy new experiences. And you won’t want to sample these in a superficial way. You’ll be ready to dive in deep and make the most of them. And with Mercury in this sector, you’ll be very curious and eager to explore, whether this means seeking out famous landmarks and tourist spots, learning a new skill, or enjoying the opportunity to talk to as many new people as you can. The sun in this zone is great for taking a look at your beliefs and jettisoning those that are keeping you playing small. Linking up with a life coach or teacher could make this process much easier. Finally, the lunar eclipse in Taurus on the twenty-eighth could coincide with news or information about an opportunity. If you take it up, it could transform your life in more ways than one.