November 2021 - Power Trip

November starts off with an added dose of intensity this year. Not only is the Sun surging through Scorpio, the sign of power and control until November 21, but dynamic Mars is also in Scorpio until December 13. With eclipse season beginning mid-month, powerful changes and shifting alliances are afoot. Here are a few things to prepare for as we head into November.

The Scorpio New Moon will oppose change-maker Uranus on November 4.  This New Moon will open the gateways to transformation, spiritual awakenings and some sexy new energy, but don’t expect to go gently. Uranus will be opposing the new moon, with Mars hovering nearby. While new moons mark fresh starts and beginnings, the planets indicate that you may need to make some fast and in some cases extreme changes in order to tap into the new opportunities being presented near this date.

Mercury will enter Scorpio on November 5. Now that Mercury is moving at its usual speed and strength, we may feel mentally strong and find decisions easier to make. If there were miscommunications or disputes that you were dealing with at the end of September and into early October, you may find that they are eased as Mercury leaves its shadow phase.

During the month ahead, our outlook towards relationships will be serious. Venus will be in Capricorn starting on November 5 and will remain here until March 5, 2022, due to its upcoming retrograde motion in December. So we will ring in the New Year with Venus having us reassess our relationships, our finances, and the way we exert our power. During this retrograde, Venus will conjunct Pluto, so expect the area of your chart to be lit from November until early March.

November’s Taurus Full Moon is a lunar eclipse on November 19. Get ready for exciting new developments within relationships during this time. Venus, the ruler of this eclipse, will be in a perfect positive aspect to Uranus. Destined encounters, fated events, and unexpected money downfalls could be in the cards. This month’s lunar eclipse will be challenged by Jupiter in Aquarius, creating a T-square between the Sun, the Moon and Jupiter. We could feel pulled between a desire for control over our present situation and a competing urge to go big and futuristic.

Then, after what could be an incredibly eventful Scorpio season, the sun sits brightly in Sagittarius starting November 21 and things calm down. On November 22 we have a Grand Water Trine between the Cancer Moon, Mars in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces. This is a very uplifting transit and you can expect to feel its effects a few days before and after. These three planets are all in Water signs symbolize emotion, intuition and sensitivity. Water signs are the "feelers" of the zodiac.  Trines are the most supportive aspect in the zodiac; offering us bountiful treasures with little effort. In the case of Water, those treasures will center on emotional matters and intuitive depth. When you have a planet in every Water sign connecting in a trine, you can literally trace a triangle in the sky and this pattern is most fortunate. The very best of the Water elements expression will be available to us all.

Right before Thanksgiving, Mercury moves into Sagittarius on November 24. This energy is honest to the point of bluntness.  Be prepared that when you ask a question you may get more than you bargained for.  Whether in our personal or professional life we need to be careful and cautious as to not get burned by this sometimes overly optimistic fire sign.

On the day itself, we have a Fixed sign T-Square between the Moon in Leo, Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus. The holiday may be a bit contentious with this aspect stirring the pot. A T-Square in these fixed signs is driven by intensity, focus and willpower. These types are less likely to give up and keep going until they reach their goal. In response to changing circumstances, fixed signs tend to persist in acting to according pre-established patterns. The fixed signs can manifest as strength and focus, but negatively, as inflexibility and stubbornness. So there will be no resolution in any holiday arguments, only hurt feelings and pouting.

But by the weekend and right in time for Black Friday mayhem, the Universe cuts us some slack.  Mars in Scorpio finally plays nice and moves into a harmonious aspect with Neptune in Pisces. Lay down any swords and channel this creative and compassionate energy into an inspiring project. Or, just give yourself a well-deserved break. It’s amazing what can come to us when we clear space to receive divine guidance. With a Mars/Neptune trine, intuitive guidance can arrive where you least expect it. Leave some empty room in your schedule for that to find you. 

Click here for your horoscopes for November