
Aries, there’s a strong emphasis on the intense sign of Scorpio that lasts until November 24. That means the coming weeks can put the emphasis on shared finances and business affairs, and you might find your desire to reach a certain goal is stronger than ever. If you want something badly enough, you’ll do whatever it takes to get it. This is also a chance to let go of anything that no longer works for you. Even if you’re attached to it but know that it isn’t good for you, letting it go can change your life for the better. With a volatile new moon in Scorpio on the thirteenth, be sure of your reasons for wanting to initiate certain actions. This lunar phase links with mighty Mars and opposes electric Uranus, so you could act on impulse and regret it later. On the other hand, a plan that is well thought out could bring relief from a difficult situation. You’ll be prepared to give 100 percent no matter what you’re involved in, so be sure that your plans and goals at this time will bring the results you enjoy and find satisfying. The sun’s move into easygoing Sagittarius on November 22 can inspire a very different mood of exploration, relaxation, and a desire for new experiences. Your mind will be focused on the bigger picture, and you’ll be ready to take up new opportunities and challenges. Travel can be a big part of this focus, and you might be ready for a Thanksgiving break and a chance to catch up with friends and family. Finally, the full moon in Gemini on the twenty-seventh angles toward cautious Saturn and so could involve some frustration. It’s like hitting the accelerator and brake at the same time. If you’re aware of this, it will be easier to stay calm down and be patient.


Taurus, you’ll be busy with all kinds of interactions and social events, not to mention spending more time with close ones. With a powerful focus on the sign of Scorpio, your dealings with others could be fairly intense, especially since pushy Mars, chatty Mercury, and the sun are all in this zone. This might be an opportunity to clear the air and find a way to move forward after a difficult time. Equally, you could be ready for positive change and prepared to drop anything that isn’t working for you. However, the new moon on November 13 aligns with fiery Mars and restless Uranus, so take it easy around this time. This could be a make-or-break lunar phase regarding one relationship, especially if you make an impulsive move. There is the potential to spoil something that has been developing nicely, so be careful how you go. There is a gradual shift to Sagittarius starting when Mercury moves in on the ninth, followed by the sun and Mars on the twenty-second and twenty-fourth, respectively. These planets move into a deeply emotional zone, so this could be an interesting time. You could become an explorer of the deeper landscape of your soul and might enjoy tackling any blocks or limiting beliefs that are preventing you from moving forward. If you work in business or are eager to improve your finances, you might be ready to take a risk or two to get things moving in the right direction. You’ll be focused and open-minded, which is a great combination. Be careful around the time of the full moon in Gemini on November 27. It makes a lingering tie with Saturn, which could cause delays. Stay cool and be patient, especially if you’re traveling. It would be wise to have good travel insurance and take precautions just in case.


There’s a powerful emphasis on your lifestyle sector this month, Gemini, which can be a time of reorganization as you come to grips with your schedule and make a few changes. With a focus on the sign of Scorpio, you could be quite radical about what you want to jettison or keep. If certain activities have shown themselves to be a waste of time, this is when you’ll abandon them for good. The same goes for a job or anything else that you’ve lost interest in or that no longer serves you. Even so, there could be a major push for a new beginning. A new moon in Scorpio on November 13 ties in with an impulsive Mars-Uranus opposition, so it would pay to be careful. Don’t jump out of the frying pan and into the fire. Think very carefully about your goals and what you want to accomplish. A sound strategy will lead to success. There is a gradual shift to Sagittarius and your sector of relating that begins as fleet-footed Mercury moves into this adventurous sign on November 9. It’s followed by the sun on the twenty-second and Mars on the twenty-fourth. Relationships will move higher up your list of priorities, and you’ll be doing a lot more networking, negotiating, and dealing with contracts, commitments, and agreements. This is a lighter and brighter focus, and you’ll enjoy socializing, making new friends, spending time with your partner and close ones, and linking up with others on your wavelength. Mars will be in this sector for six weeks, so this is a great opportunity to rally others to your cause. However, there could be times when you’re a little too blunt, so some tact can help smooth the way ahead. Finally, the full moon in your sign on November 27 could be somewhat emotional as well as frustrating. Wait a few days until things are more settled before you make any big decisions, especially those involving others. 


The sun, chatty Mercury, and fiery Mars are all in Scorpio and your leisure zone as the month begins, Cancer, so you’ll be geared up for an interesting few weeks. This can be a great opportunity to relax and unwind, though you’re more likely to become engaged in the hobbies and activities you’re most passionate about. Whether you’re looking for new love or you’re ready to get away from it all with your partner and take the chance to rekindle the spark between you, there’s plenty of opportunity. And your creative side will be very prominent as well. However, the new moon in Scorpio on November 13 could be a tricky one. In your rush to make something happen, you could fall over your own feet and cause your plans to come crashing down. Whatever your intention, don’t be in too much of a hurry. Planning and a sound strategy will go a long way toward bringing the positive result you want. On the ninth, the focus gradually shifts to the sign of Sagittarius and your lifestyle sector. Mercury moves in on this day, followed by the sun and Mars on the twenty-second and twenty-fourth, respectively. You’ll be ready to get organized, but you’ll also enjoy the opportunity to expand your vision. Rather than compressing your daily schedule into a set of boring but effective strategies, you’ll be looking for opportunities to expand your horizons and be productive while also enjoying the chance to do your own thing. It’s the best of both worlds. You might also be more inclined to exercise, and you’ll suddenly benefit from moving your body more. If you’ve gotten off track recently, the presence of Mars in this sector can help you rediscover your motivation. Finally, the full moon in Gemini on November 27 occurs across your lifestyle axis, which can be a call to take some time out to recharge. With Thanksgiving just finished, this might be one of the best times to take it easy for a few days so you’ll be in fine form for the rest of the holiday season. 


Home and family life are a major focus this month, Leo, with the emphasis on the sign of Scorpio bringing a dash of intensity to your experience. This could be when you make a few changes to your home environment or otherwise alter the dynamic in some way. It could be an opportunity for everyone to sit down and make a major decision, especially if it will transform family life as you know it. This is a good time to declutter and get rid of items that are clogging up your home and interfering with the flow of harmonious energy that could be bringing you greater peace and happiness. If you have plans that you’re eager to start, take care around the new moon on November 13. This is a great opportunity for a new beginning, but with fiery Mars and edgy Uranus aligning with this lunar phase, you could do something on the spur of the moment that you later come to regret. Don’t make any moves until you’ve thought things through carefully, researched the details, and listened to any relevant advice. Things get easier as the month goes on, once Mercury moving into easygoing Sagittarius and your leisure zone on the ninth. This is followed by the sun and Mars on November 22 and November 24, respectively. If life has been intense recently, you’ll enjoy the chance to indulge in your favorite hobbies and sports and kick back and relax with friends and family. It’s a great opportunity to promote your creative talents both online and off and hone any skills you have. Finally, there’s a Gemini full moon on the twenty-seventh that occurs across your social axis. Because of a link with prudent Saturn, you might want to take a break from socializing, especially after Thanksgiving. Enjoying some “me” time could be very good for you. 


Virgo, you’ll be in detective mode this month and eager to unravel any mysteries that have been perplexing you for a while. The focus on the sign of Scorpio and your sector of talk and thought could find you engaged in intense conversations that lead to major changes. You’ll be meeting with influential people who can assist you with your plans. Your words will also have power, and you’ll find it easier to persuade others to take up your cause. However, try to be sensitive to others. You could come across as rather blunt when you don’t mean to. Try to avoid making spur-of-the-moment decisions at the time of the new moon on November 13. You could be so excited about a proposition that you don’t stop to think of the consequences. The emphasis gradually shifts to your home zone as Mercury moves into Sagittarius on the ninth, followed by the sun on the twenty-second and Mars two days later. Messenger Mercury’s presence here can inspire you to think big, especially where your domestic plans are concerned. While this is an opportunity to get organized, it’s also a chance to think about what you can do with the space you have left over. Perhaps this is an opportunity to create a home gym, office, or creative area. When the sun and feisty Mars move in, you’ll be aware of anything that needs to change, including the family dynamic or home décor, or perhaps you’re thinking about moving to a new place altogether. The tendency might be to go for a place that offers plenty of opportunities for a full and rich life. Be careful around the time of the full moon in Gemini and your career sector on November 27. You’ll be noticed more than usual, so use this opportunity to enhance your image, and try to avoid doing or saying anything that would make waves. 


Libra, money matters could be high on your agenda as November gets underway. With the sun, dynamic Mars, and chatty Mercury in Scorpio and your personal financial sector, you’ll be ready to get your money working harder for you. You’re naturally very resourceful, and this trait can help you make positive changes over the coming weeks that enable you to save and perhaps start a lucrative side hustle. This is also good month to sell anything you no longer want or need. You could earn some good money that helps you cover the financial demands of the holiday season. On November 13, there’s a powerful new moon in Scorpio and your money sector that can be helpful if you’re ready for a new beginning. However, you could make an impulsive move that might cost you dearly. It would certainly be wise to avoid any get-rich-quick schemes. Trust your instincts and take your time when making decisions, especially if an offer sounds too good to be true. Mercury moves into Sagittarius and your communication zone on the ninth, followed by the sun and Mars on the twenty-second and twenty-fourth, respectively. The coming weeks are excellent for promoting your goods or services, networking, and reaching out to others on your wavelength. You might be ready to start an online business or improve one you have. And if you’re a social media aficionado, this can be a great time to get your message across, attract more followers, and showcase your skills and abilities. There’s a full moon in Taurus and your sector of far horizons on November 27, so you could be feeling restless. A desire to travel or dive into new experiences could inspire you to go on a vacation or book a short break. Find a way to delegate your everyday tasks rather than push this opportunity away. Taking some time out could do you a world of good.


Scorpio, it’s all systems go this month with the sun, chatty Mercury, and go-getter Mars hanging out in your sign and giving you a real confidence boost. The emphasis continues on your sign until November 24, so you can go far this month. Use this opportunity to project yourself out into the world and showcase your natural leadership qualities. People appreciate your ability to act with calm precision and get results every time. You’re also a hot ticket in the romance department, and people are drawn to you in everyday life too. Make the most of these fabulous influences and you can go far. On the thirteenth, there is a new moon in your sign that can be helpful for a fresh start. However, with a restless Mars-Uranus opposition tied in with it, there is also the potential for impulsive moves that could ruin all your hard work. This warning isn’t to stop you from making a bold move but to encourage you to think things through carefully and do your research first. The emphasis then slowly shifts to the sign of Sagittarius and your money zone, starting when dealmaker Mercury moves in on November 9. You’ll come up with all kinds of money-generating ideas, and one could turn into a lucrative side hustle. The sun enters this adventurous sign on the twenty-second, followed by Mars two days later, highlighting the whole issue of resources, including your skills and talents. You might be casting your eye over your current situation and considering how you can make the best of it. It’s a chance to think big and chase opportunities that might lead to earning a bigger income or finding your purpose in life and realizing that money isn’t everything. Finally, the full moon in Gemini and your business zone on November 27 highlights your financial axis. It could coincide with an opportunity that seems too good to miss, but you might need to let go of something first so you can concentrate your time and resources on your new endeavor. 


Happy Birthday, Sagittarius! The sun moves into your sign on November 22, so finding closure on key issues, decluttering in both the physical and emotional sense, and making space for new developments will benefit you this month. You might find your dreams are more vivid than usual and that you have powerful insights into what makes you tick. This is also the time when you might want to connect with someone who can help you move beyond your limits. Exciting possibilities that you’ve never considered could now be on the horizon. There’s a new moon in Scorpio on the thirteenth that could find you in an impulsive mood. If you feel that a job or certain activity is hemming you in and preventing you from doing what you want, you might be tempted to jettison it and look for something better. While this is a great opportunity for a fresh start, try not to ruin all your hard work. Take a slower approach to incorporating positive changes into your life. The focus gradually shifts to your sign, starting with lively Mercury on November 9, encouraging you to share your thoughts and plans and meet with like-minded people. The sun moves into your sign on the twenty-second, followed by dynamic Mars two days later, and from this point on you’ll be ready to embrace new adventures. It’s time to think about those plans and projects that are dear to your heart and start working on them. It’s also okay to be selfish, because the coming weeks are your time to be in the spotlight and focus on your needs. Finally, the Gemini full moon on November 27 takes place across your relationship axis and could highlight issues with certain people. This might be an opportunity to clear the air, but it would be wise to be as tactful and diplomatic as possible. 


You’re in a very sociable place as November gets underway, Capricorn. With the sun, feisty Mars, and communicator Mercury all in Scorpio, this is a great time to connect with people who can help you accomplish your goals. You’re naturally aware of those in your community and online who have power and influence, and you might be drawn to link up with them and start a conversation during this time. You know who can be useful to you and who can’t, and this might also be when you jettison those connections that aren’t working for you. Perhaps it’s all take and no give with these people and you’ve had enough. In that case, don’t feel bad about letting them go. There’s a vibrant new moon in Scorpio on November 13 that has a positive and a negative side. This is a great chance to get moving on a goal or plan that has been in your mind for some time. The downside is that this lunar phase aligns with fiery Mars and restless Uranus, so you could make a move that dashes your hopes before you’ve even begun. Take your time with whatever you’re planning to do. Don’t rush just because someone mentions a great opportunity or makes a promise. Little by little the focus shifts to the sign of Sagittarius and your spiritual sector. It begins when fleet-footed Mercury moves in on the ninth and continues as the sun and Mars follow on the twenty-second and twenty-fourth, respectively. The coming weeks are the time to wind down, finish anything that’s hanging over you, and find closure on issues that are draining your energy. What you’re looking for is a clear space so that you can invite in new opportunities when the sun moves into your sign in a month or so. Finally, be careful around the Gemini full moon on November 27 and try to rest or simplify your schedule. Whatever you do, don’t pile too much on your plate. 


Aquarius, this could be quite a month when the emphasis on your career zone brings opportunities galore your way. With a focus on the sign of determined Scorpio, there is nothing you can’t accomplish if you put your mind to it. This is your chance to seize your dreams and make them a reality. And with dynamic Mars helping you along, you’ll have a powerful competitive edge that enables you to stand out from the crowd. This is very much a time to promote your skills and abilities and do so with confidence. If you want to make a big splash, this is your chance to do so. However, there is a very lively new moon in Scorpio on November 13 that could bring mixed blessings. It’s a great opportunity for a fresh start, but if you rush into anything or make spontaneous decisions, your actions could backfire. Be very careful about committing to anything without researching your options or thinking it through first. The focus gradually shifts to the sign of Sagittarius, which puts the emphasis on your social sector. If you want to bring more clients into your business, the coming weeks are perfect for networking, holding conferences or presentations, and letting people know more about you. This is also a good month to make new friends, find romance, and connect with people who share your interests and goals. The sun enters Sagittarius on the twenty-second, followed by dynamic Mars two days later, so you could be a real mover and shaker, the one who organizes events and gets people interested. Finally, the full moon on November 27 occurs in Gemini and across your social axis, and this might find you craving your own company rather than being part of a crowd. If you have a hobby you love to indulge in, you’ll find that it relaxes and recharges you. However, if you go to an event, it could be a boisterous evening out. 


The sun, dynamic Mars, and inquisitive Mercury are in your sector of far horizons, Pisces, so you’ll be ready for new experiences and eager to embrace exciting opportunities. This is the time of year when your focus is on the future and the possibilities that lie ahead. Not content with your current situation, you’ll be seeking ways to gather knowledge, remove limiting beliefs, and connect with teachers, mentors, or coaches who can help you get out of your own way and begin to soar. Don’t be in too much of a hurry at the time of the new moon in Scorpio on November 13. While this is an excellent time for a new beginning, there’s also the potential that you’ll to rush into something that isn’t good for you. Take your time, and don’t let a fear of missing out force you into doing something that you might come to regret later. Research your options and get some advice and you won’t go wrong. Very gradually the focus shifts to your sector of ambition, starting when lively Mercury moves into Sagittarius on the ninth. The coming weeks are great for advancing your career or business and making positive strides forward. The sun enters this sector on November 22, followed by go-getter Mars two days later. This would be a great time to promote your skills and abilities, showcase your best work, and let others know just how talented you are. It’s a chance to enhance your image and attract more clients and customers into the mix. You might also be quite competitive and willing to take a risk to get what you want. Even if you have no experience in the endeavor, you’ll still be ready to try. Finally, don’t be too quick off the mark at the time of the full moon in Gemini on the twenty-seventh. Instead, take some time to unwind at home. If there are big decisions pending, a little pampering and “me” time will help you get your bearings and reflect on what’s best for you.