December 2021 - The Last Hurrah

The astrology forecast for December the focus moves towards the upcoming transits that will take us into 2022 and the retrograde of Venus, as well as Jupiter’s entrance into Pisces.

By the time the new moon solar eclipse in Sagittarius arrives on December 4, the romantic fog can quickly become confusing. At this powerful lunation, the sun, moon, and Mercury will be squaring Neptune in Pisces. While this lunation is vibrant and optimistic, it’s not a great time to begin anything new. Eclipses are about surrendering, especially when Neptune is trying to get us off the mundane and into the world of dreams and fantasy. This month, avoid as many responsibilities as you can and let yourself be inspired. 

While there will be some intensity occurring during the time when this month’s full moon arrives, this lunation hints at the possibility of a happy ending. On December 18, the moon in Gemini will sit across from the Sagittarius sun. Although this lunation hits at an ending in relationships due to an imbalanced aspect with Venus (about to station retrograde), this ending might be in our best interest, time will tell.  

Time to pre-order your 2022 astrology forecast.

Venus begins her retrograde cycle on December 19 and will stay in that orbit until after the New Year. This can make people less likely to extend the benefit of the doubt to each other and more prone to squabbling and starting dramas. Venus retrograde particularly disrupts relationships, shining a harsh light on anything you’ve swept under the rug in a relationship. While this transit will trigger the cardinal signs, Capricorn, Aries, Libra, and Cancer the most, it will be felt by everyone. Venus retrograde will be together with intense and secretive Pluto on Christmas Day. Old family wounds could come up for processing, along with power struggles, toxic dynamics and people projecting their baggage onto each other. It may be standard holiday fare for many of us, but this combination could really bring up some raw old stuff that might better be processed privately or with a professional than at Christmas dinner.  

On the Winter Solstice, December 21, the Sun shifts out of fiery Sagittarius into the earth sign of Capricorn. Capricorn is a cardinal sign that gives us fuel to take action and step into a place of leadership in our lives. Capricorn energy is also very grounded, allowing us to establish a routine and feel a little more centered when it comes to pursuing our goals and dreams. Capricorn is also a very practical energy that allows us to see things in a more black and white manner.  

On December 23, the cosmos will be sending lightning bolts of change and disruption as the third and final clash between Saturn and Uranus arrives. At a collective level, there could be dramatic changes in governments around the world, revolts, and even natural disasters. On a personal level, this is the last opportunity to make a change that though it may feel scary is necessary for our evolution. Look back to themes that might have come up for you back in mid-February, mid-June, and during November. 

December birthdays - time to order your Solar Return.

However, the universe always manages to balance things out! To close the month, Jupiter enters Pisces on December 28 just in time for New Year’s Eve. Jupiter will be in Pisces from December 28 and this is a transit all of us astrologers have been waiting for and for good reason! With Jupiter in Saturn-ruled signs since December of 2019 it’s been slow progress and hard work for little reward. Now, as the planet of abundance enters its traditional sign of rulership, we can expect our luck to slowly return.

 To read about your December horoscopes click here.