Venus Rx of 2021 - Love Hurts

Lovely Venus takes a journey backwards every eighteen months, mixing things up for all of us. This year, she’ll begin her retrograde journey on December 18, 2021 until January 28, 2022. This is already a stressful time (along with the lingering stress from the pandemic) to begin with so Lady Venus going backwards can certainly be the last straw. But I have a few tricks that will help you cope with the chaos. Read on…

Since Venus does rule matters of the heart, you’ll want to be on guard for any ex-lovers who try to waltz back into the picture. This retrograde takes place under Capricorn, an earth sign ruled by Saturn, the rule-maker.  You may find issues around power struggles not only in your romantic relationships, but with your career as well.  If you’ve been having a passive-aggressive cold war with another colleague, it may come to a head. You may learn some lessons around setting and enforcing boundaries. I also warn clients about making any significant purchases while Venus is retrograde.  When Venus goes direct, the true cost or value will revealed and it may be way off what you wanted.  Finally I advise my clients not to do anything to alter their appearance. The dye job you had done no longer brings you joy, but total sadness.

Make sure you’re setting aside plenty of time for self-care, as Capricorn has tenacious energy. Being focused is a good thing until it’s not. For this same reason, if you end up feeling drained in your relationships, it’s okay to take a step back so you can recharge your batteries.

As Venus the planet of love continues through her retrograde cycle, there is no better time for clearing out and rebalancing the heart chakra which rules compassion, generosity, trust, openness, self-love and romantic love. With Venus retrograde, chances are issues in these areas may have been creeping into your life, reminding you that they need addressing or clearing. The heart chakra is also where we connect to our source or our soul. From this place we receive our life force, our zest, our passions, and our sense of balance and peace. A lot of the time we can lose this connection, especially as we enter into some of the heavy lessons that Venus may be trying to stir within us as she moves retrograde.

Click here for your Venus Retrograde horoscopes.

A good way to keep your heart chakra balanced is to eat green foods, sip green tea.  Jasmine or Rose essentials oils are nice to wear and carrying or wearing the gemstones of Jade, Malachite or green aventurine is helpful. I have chakra oils and kits available to help you keep your chakra in balance. 

The following meditation will help you to connect with your Heart Chakra or in Sanskrit, Anahata. Anahata means ‘unstruck sound’ in Sanskrit and is represented by the element is air and the color green. It is here in this space that we invite the infinite love to flow through us, allowing it to heal ourselves and others.