October 2022 - Change - The Only Constant

Welcome to fall! As we adapt to the new season, there’s a feeling of imminent change in the air. Because of their retrogrades, Saturn and Uranus have come closer together once again. While their square isn’t totally perfect this time, it’s still change-inducing influence is quite active. Once again, the structures of our lives are up for renewal, but first, they will have to collapse. This process, at some level or another, has most likely been in place.

Even though we are in Libra season, instead of feeling social, we are swimming in a deep introspective vibe as the retrogrades are putting the focus on our inner lives. However, Mercury is the first one to go direct on October 2. Luckily, two other planetary bodies go direct in October as well, slowly bringing back a faster pace of life. Pluto goes direct in Capricorn on October 8. This brings back our sense of power and ends five months of deep psychological inner work.  On October 22, Saturn goes direct in Aquarius, bringing back lessons around the new foundations we are building collectively and personally.

Relationships remain a theme in October with Venus traveling very close to the sun during the entire month. Most of this month-long journey happens in Libra, a sign that Venus rules, making the goddess of pleasure even stronger than the actual Sun (the Sun is in fall in Libra). Let’s just say it: Venus in Libra is by far the highlight of our month, and we should use it to heal any remaining Mercury retrograde wounds in our relationships.

Pro tip: here’s your tailored guide to surviving this retrograde: According to astrologer Desiree Roby Antila, author of Sun Signs in Love:

“Not only do several planetary bodies in retrograde begin going direct, but we can expect to feel a sense of balance beginning to be restored. Libra season is all about focusing on relationships and partnerships; romantically, friendly, and professionally. It’s a great time to use the cardinal energy of Libra to collaborate with existing connections, but also a sparkling time to make new ones as well. We will especially feel this when Venus moves into its home sign of Libra from September 29 to October 22, where it will conjunct the Sun, oppose Jupiter in Aries, and trine its lover Mars in Gemini, bringing us a season of autumnal love.⁠”

There will be a bump along this Sun/Venus journey, however, which occurs at the October 9, Full Moon in Aries. This Full Moon urges us to strike a balance between meeting our personal needs and attending to the needs of a significant other, and between independence or autonomy and dependence or companionability. The Libra Sun is diplomatic, equality-minded, and fair-minded. The Aries Moon, however, values authenticity over tact and is energized by independent efforts. The Full Moon illuminates this conflict. Neglecting either end of the Aries/Libra axis will surely backfire on us. Ideally, we find a balance between the two energies, and this is what the Full Moon invites us to do. The Full Moon illuminates the conflict between “me” and “you,” and between autonomy and sharing. With the Moon full and bright in the sky, symbolic illumination occurs in our own lives. However, these new feelings and revelations are emotional ones, as there is a sense of emotions bursting forth into our consciousness. It’s time to express ourselves and to let things out of our systems. Of course, we might want to exercise some care while doing so, knowing that what is coming out of us is new and not particularly rational. This Full Moon is in a perfect triangle configuration known as a Grand Trine, activated by the Sun, Saturn, and Mars. This formation of energy can bring a sense of ease. Think of it as the Universe’s way of providing rain to extinguish any fires that have grown too out of control. As volatile as this Aries Full Moon could be, there is enough soothing, healing, and sweet energy to soften, to bring ease, and to remind us that life is meant to be both beautiful and messy.

Another reason why October brings imminent change is due to the arrival of eclipse season, which kicks off the day the Sun enters Scorpio, on October 23. Scorpio season is always interesting, but this year, it packs a punch, as it will reactivate the Saturn/Uranus square mentioned above.

The first eclipse of Scorpio season arrives on Tuesday, October 25. Now that Scorpio is getting solar eclipse energy, we can focus on transforming for the better in big, drastic ways. This can have a long-term impact that we're dealing with for years to come. This may be the beginning, the first steps, and we can totally overhaul. Scorpio is also the sign of depth, so we may be more researching, want to solve problems, and can get below the surface of subjects, projects, and people with the Scorpio solar eclipse. We can keep looking until we uncover even more. Light may be shined on areas, subjects, events, or people that we missed before, and this can bring new information that helps with new plans. Scorpio is passion, power, and control, so the Scorpio solar eclipse may bring extra passion we can make use of, greater comfort and connection with our personal power, and more control in certain areas of life or of the self.

This solar eclipse is conjunct with Venus also in Scorpio, and this can be super helpful in our relationships, our dealings with others, and our bonds. We can feel more comfortable with commitment, compromise, and diplomacy, and we can be more charming and pleasant. Feminine energy can also be solid with this eclipse. This eclipse involves Venus, with the goddess of love now in Scorpio, a Mars ruled sign. Information about power, relationships, and money will be hidden or come to light around this time. And any toxic relationships that have managed to survive will now begin to show their true colors. A friendly reminder that the effects of eclipses are non-negotiable karmic events.

Another component of the intensity of this month’s eclipse is that Mars will also station retrograde this week, on October 30, just in time to make your Halloween festivities extra spooky. Mars retrogrades are the rarest of them all, happening only once every two years. This time, Mars will retrograde in Gemini, reporting to Mercury for a total of six months. While Mars retrogrades are frustrating, they are the perfect antidote for burnout. Until January 12, we will all be forced to slow down, as productivity will tank. This puts no pressure on writing New Year’s resolutions, as we will be in a deeply transformative state to welcome 2023. To make the best of this retrograde, feed your mind with positivity by learning something new, exercise on a regular basis and most importantly, think before you speak.

Another big shift occurs on October 27 as Jupiter, the protector planet, leaves Aries to enter Pisces in retrograde motion. This is a somewhat rare movement that could feel like floating in suspended animation. Earlier in the year, Jupiter visited Pisces from May 13 to July 28, so we can expect some themes from that time coming back for closure.

Click here for October’s Horoscopes