Mercury Rx 2022 in Libra/Virgo

Mercury stations retrograde on this Friday, September 9 in Libra, and stations direct on Sunday, October 2 in Virgo.  Mercury’s retrograde journey from Libra to Virgo will excavate the underbelly of idealistic dreams, examining how to build a more solid foundation underneath the visions for creative expansion you have been developing. While Mercury is retrograde in Libra, it will form an opposition with Jupiter in Aries on September 18 that can lead to questioning where you have had inflated beliefs and need to reconsider your perspective. Once Mercury enters Virgo on September 23, it will form a trine aspect with Pluto, a creatively stimulating conjunction with Venus, and a tense opposition with Neptune that can help distinguish the path to follow forward that is empowering and will allow you to bring ideas into form through realistic steps and goals.

The signs of Virgo and Libra bridge the change of seasons from summer to fall. And so, there is important symbolic meaning in Mercury not only being retrograde in these signs but also forming its regenerative conjunction with the sun on the exact day of the Autumn Equinox. This is the time of the harvest in the northern hemisphere, and similarly, Mercury will help in separating the wheat from the chaff, gaining clarity for what elements of developing ideas to cultivate versus what aspects need to be reformed or released. The Equinox is dead center Mercury’s retrograde orbit, the time during which whatever material has been accumulated during the first half of the Mercury retrograde period can be burned off and purified. It’s a moment for reseeding new ideas, a perfect fit for a day in which the season also shifts into autumn.

Mercury functions well in Libra and is at its greatest strength in Virgo. In the airy, intellectual environment of Libra, Mercury excels in reflecting upon relational dynamics of all sorts, revealing places where we need to recalibrate how we have been interacting. In comparison, Mercury in Virgo has an immense facility in discerning choices and distinguishing points of focus out of the many considerations that can be gathered by Mercury in Libra. Thus, we can best utilize the period of Mercury retrograde in Libra for thoughtful contemplation and inventive brainstorming, while the period of Mercury retrograde in Virgo can help analyze the most optimal path forward.

 Horoscopes for Mercury Retrograde in Libra & Virgo


You know how to go it alone when necessary and maintain your self-sufficiency, yet it will be important to be mindful of your relationships during this Mercury retrograde period. Pay attention to where your needs are not being met within your primary partnerships and listen to the needs being expressed by your most important relationships. You may need to rely on others more during this time than normal or realize ways in which you have been too headstrong in insisting you know what’s right.


The steady, solid, and consistent effort you can apply to your work helps you in making grounded decisions and bringing matters to completion effectively. Yet in the process, you’ve been facing a lot of pressure between your own needs for innovation and your concern over enduring challenges and working hard to pass the tests of adversity you have been facing. Let Mercury guide you in ways of adjusting your daily routines so you may avoid burnout and create more space for restorative relaxation, play, and creative expression.


Your quicksilver mind excels at multitasking and ricocheting between perspectives, continually finding new ways of synthesizing meaning and making flexible adjustments. Yet you also make penetrating insight when you focus on one project at a time instead of dissipating your brilliance in too many directions. Utilize Mercury’s retrograde passage for brainstorming and experimenting with new forms of creative expression. Turn inward, tending to the hearth at home and the new ideas that can be forged to bring back out to the world later.


You’ve been called to broaden your horizons through your work this year and embrace a more expansive vision with your vocation. Yet Mercury’s retrograde journey in Libra will instead pull your attention to home and your inner landscape, sifting through emotional patterns in private places away from the hustle and bustle of external business. Once Mercury shifts backwards into Virgo, you will be able to retrieve important insight from your inward exploration to communicate through your work and express within your relationships.


You have natural gifts for leadership and staying centered within your purpose, yet it’s also important that you do not become stuck by overly identifying with a persona or method that has brought you success in the past. Let Mercury’s retrograde passage excavate the connection between your communication and your values. Make space to monitor ways in which your inner values and priorities have been changing to discern if your communication is truly rooted in the present state of your authentic values.


Let Mercury guide your discerning eye to examine how well your public presence and actions are aligned with your most essential values. You’ll likely need to monitor financial matters, bringing critical thought to your investments and the balance between how much of your own resources you are sharing with others and how much you are receiving in return. When unsure of which way to navigate forward, return to your center and ground within your integrity so that you may receive the inner guidance needed.


The first two weeks of Mercury’s retrograde passage will be opportune for conducting a makeover in fundamental areas of your life. Take a step back from exciting relationship dynamics to return to your inner core. Reflect on ways you need to adjust so that you are asserting your own needs and acting in your best interests. Once Mercury backtracks into Virgo, you will be able to peel back a deeper layer of your psyche so that you become more aware of previously hidden aspects of your unconscious.


Mercury will guide you through dark and hidden places within your psyche during the first two weeks of its retrograde passage. As you embark upon an underworld journey of depth, you will become aware of patterns you have been engaging that have not been in your best interest. Once Mercury enters Virgo, you will emerge with clarity that will enable you to reformulate your aspirations to be more aligned with your authenticity, as well as attract collaborators who resonate with your purpose.


You know how to leap ahead when inspired by fiery vision, but during Mercury’s retrograde passage it will be important for you to slow down and reconsider your aspirations and work in the world. Are you focused upon targets truly aligned with a felt sense of soulfulness and authenticity? Be on the lookout for allies to join forces with who are deeply aligned with your purpose. You may move away from some collaborations while gravitating towards others that have more mutual inspiration and accountability.


Your capacity for persevering through challenges and enduring difficulties with resilience is admirable, but if you are not careful your survival skills can sustain your engagement in work is not in your best interest. Utilize Mercury’s retrograde passage for reconsidering your vocational calling, reflecting upon how well your work in the world is aligned with your authentic values. Once Mercury enters Virgo, let yourself broaden your horizons to consider expansive potential directions you previously have held back from taking seriously as viable options.


Mercury’s retrograde passage through Libra can be a mentally stimulating time for you to conduct penetrating research and explore new academic or philosophical directions. The more you embrace the side of your nature willing to veer off into uncharted territory, the more likely you will be able to retrieve insights from unexpected places and unorthodox perspectives that can fertilize new mental frameworks for yourself. Once Mercury enters Virgo, you may become more interested in exploring your inner depths more so than being intellectually productive.


During the first two weeks of Mercury being retrograde in Libra, Mercury will draw you into exploring previously hidden patterns within your psyche that may dredge up some uncomfortable but much-needed revelations. Once Mercury enters Virgo, the inner insight you have gathered will inform ways in which you need to rebalance your relational dynamics with others. It’s a good time for taking stock of how much you are sharing within your partnerships versus how much you are receiving in return.