September 2022 - A Time for Reflection

September is a definitive U-turn month as six planets will be retrograde by the second weekend. Five of them are the slow-moving outer planets of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. In all fairness, they spent one-third to half of the year in this reflective position, which doesn’t necessarily mess with the day-to-day machinations of our lives. If anything, outer planet retrogrades are a chance to recalibrate and course correct. We could all use that sometimes. The tricky one is Mercury, the planet of communication, technology and travel, but more on that later. As always, September is a transitional month, as it brings the energy of Virgo. Being the only mutable earth sign, Virgo’s energy is calming and grounding, with the finality of helping us put our lives in order before the season ahead. Leo season is always  intense, so the opportunity to catch our breath is more than refreshing.   

One of the themes of the astrology of 2022 is relationships, as the year began with Venus retrograde and will end with Mars retrograde. The astrology of September mirrors this theme with the legendary cosmic lovers, Venus and Mars, confronting each other on September 16, they will be in squaring signs starting September 4, which is when Venus enters Virgo.  

This square can bring increased sex drive, as it can create healthy tension and competition between lovers. If a relationship has gone a little cold, this clash can revive the spark. However, for relationships that are already on rocky ground, it could reveal repressed sexual frustration that has been building up for quite some time. Handling this aspect will require a lot of awareness when it comes to romantically communicating with each other. Both signs, Virgo and Gemini, are ruled by Mercury, both highly intellectual energies.  

Of course, it will matter that the cosmic lovers will both be in territories of the sky ruled by Mercury, as the cosmic messenger will begin its retrograde in another air sign. Mercury begins to move backward on September 9, in Libra, the dual sign of balance and relationships. In this case, it’s helpful to think back to the themes that came up for us last year, at around the same time. Mercury also went retrograde in Libra in the fall of 2021. What’s different about this retrograde is that Mercury will also visit Virgo, its sign of exaltation, from September 23 to October 2. In Virgo, Mercury’s retrograde adopts a completely new approach, focusing on a deep purification of the mind. Since Virgo is a more comfortable sign for Mercury, its entrance into Virgo, even in retrograde motion, could be more positive than expected. 

Let’s talk about those other retrogrades. Jupiter is backing through Aries, telling us to slow down and be better team players. Saturn’s retrograde in Aquarius, the sign of teamwork and society, pushing for improved boundaries with friends and colleagues. Uranus just did an about-face in Taurus on August 24, which could bring more economic stability (fingers-crossed). Meanwhile, Neptune is backstroking through the Pisces disrupting our dreams with harsh but needed reality checks. Last on the roll call is calculating Pluto, who’s retrograde in Capricorn stirs up power struggles or make leadership withdraw so we’re forced to find the voice of authority within ourselves.  

One day after Mercury goes retrograde, we will be welcoming this month’s Full Moon on September 10. This lunation brings the culmination of a major cycle. Being the last sign of the zodiac wheel, Pisces energy has a big connection to endings. A project or situation that began at that beautiful Pisces new moon that occurred back on March 2 could be reaching manifestation.  

September 22 is when the Fall Equinox arrives as the Sun enters Libra. For the next four weeks, we will be surrounding ourselves with art and beauty, as well as maintaining the peace will be our priorities. At its moment of entrance into Libra, the sun will be forming a trine with Pluto and an opposition with Jupiter. These two connections herald a season of growth and transformation. However, because both planets are retrograde, the gains could come later next year. According to astrologer Jessica Adams, these gains could arrive when Jupiter occupies the Aries, from September 17 to September 24, and then again from January 21 to January 26 of 2023. 

Mercury Retrograde will move into Virgo on September 23 and this can bring out stress to the nth degree. We can become super stressed out about the things we were already worried about, already stressing about, and already concerned about. That stress can be amplified, and we likely need to get some perspective, get away from it, distract, or just get a break. Virgo is the sign of work and productivity, so we may demand a lot from ourselves, more than is really possible. We may keep taking on projects, adding to the things that need to be done, and it can weigh us down and overwhelm us. We need to be realistic about what we can do, and not demand perfection. This can be a period of productivity, but only if we don't burn out in the process. Mercury is the natural ruler of Virgo, so the energy is amplified in this sign. We're extra anxious and at our wit's end, and we need to be gentle with ourselves and others.  

On September 25 when we have the Libra New Moon. Immediately after becoming new, the moon will oppose Jupiter, which is a good omen. and Venus, the ruler of this lunation, will be forming a trine with Pluto, the planetary master of reinvention. Mercury is still retrograde but that can stop us from being big and bold in our search for growth. In fact, it seems very meaningful! Mercury’s retrograde focus is to instigate a deep, introspective transformation. At this new moon, embrace a new beginning by abandoning anything that seems stale and self-destructive. This is especially true in the realm of relationships, a theme that remains important for the entirety of the year.  

Lastly on September 29, Venus enters Libra. The combination of Venus and Libra is naturally harmonious as Venus rules Libra. Libra, an air sign lends a carefree vibe to Venus’ already sweet and calm nature, encouraging us all to strive for greater peace in our lives alone, and with others. Venus is the planet that rules love, and Libra is the zodiac sign associated with one-on-one relationships. When Venus enters Libra, we’re gifted with a sweet time of peace that highlights our partnerships and social life. While Venus is in Libra, relationships are light and lovely rather than hot and heavy.

Click here for September Horoscopes