Mercury Rx 2022 in Aquarius/Capricorn

Mercury Rx 2022 in Aquarius/Capricorn

The first of four Mercury Retrograde transits begins on Friday, January 14 starting in Aquarius and ending on February 3 in Capricorn. I have always told my clients and have written posts about my opinion that Mercury Retrograde chaos is blown out of proportion. The energy is in fact a cosmic do-over, giving us the opportunity to re-work, re-vise and re-view past issues and goals we may have put aside.

January 2022 - Rethink your limiting Perceptions

January 2022 - Rethink your limiting Perceptions

This month, the planets and stars ask you to consider the gift of structure, mastery, and patience in your life. This year’s rare astrological alignments hold a lot of promise, unlike the chaotic changes brought about in 2020. In 2021 we began the rebuilding and healing process. I know that it may seem like our forward progress has now been hindered by the Omicron variant, but there is evidence it may pass quickly. Not that we shouldn’t maintain our vigilance!

Venus Rx of 2021 - Love Hurts

Venus Rx of 2021  - Love Hurts

Lovely Venus takes a journey backwards every eighteen months, mixing things up for all of us. This year, she’ll begin her retrograde journey on December 18, 2021 until January 28, 2022. This is already a stressful time (along with the lingering stress from the pandemic) to begin with so Lady Venus going backwards can certainly be the last straw. But I have a few tricks that will help you cope with the chaos. Read on…