January 2022 - Rethink your limiting Perceptions

This month, the planets and stars ask you to consider the gift of structure, mastery, and patience in your life. This year’s rare astrological alignments hold a lot of promise, unlike the chaotic changes brought about in 2020. In 2021 we began the rebuilding and healing process.  I know that it may seem like our forward progress has now been hindered by the Omicron variant, but there is evidence it may pass quickly. Not that we shouldn’t maintain our vigilance!

There’s still time to order your personal 2022 Horoscope.

The good news begins with Jupiter is now in Pisces, increasing the spiritual vibrations all around us. Slowly but surely, our optimism and sense of cosmic protection will begin to come back. But there’s still work to be done before we get fully immersed in the healing waters of this transit. Before feeling all this abundance and bliss, we will have to take a deep journey within.

We have two major retrogrades to contend with. Venus which began her retrograde period on December 19 will remain retrograde in Capricorn during the entire month of January. The love goddess has been asking us to review and revisit our approach to relationships, money, and pleasure. Venus ends her forty day retrograde on the January 29, but don’t rush into a new relationship just yet. Give the goddess a few days to get moving up to speed.

Then on January 14, communication master, Mercury, will go retrograde in Aquarius. It is not very often that the retrograde circles of two natal planets overlap. Because of their proximity to Earth, these retrogrades are loud calls to not only slow down but to go within. On January 27, the vibe shifts as Mercury re-enters Capricorn. Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn and brings a much more somber and serious tone with it. Capricorn looks to legacy, the past structures and systems put in place by our elders, our ambition, and our long-term goals. Even though it’s a new year, and we have new goals, we might have to slow down before charging full speed ahead on some of our desires. This is a period for revision.

The Full Moon of the month arrives on January 17. This Full Moon is quite a charged lunation. To begin, it’s happening on a Monday, which is the day of the week ruled by the moon and it is in Cancer, the only zodiac sign ruled by the moon. It will also be sitting exactly across from Pluto, which will bring previously repressed emotions to the surface. Allow yourself to have all the feels around this time.

On January 18, the North Node of Destiny enters Taurus; taking us back 18 years to the last time the North Node was in Taurus and the South Node was in Scorpio. This kicks off a year-and-a-half journey that will ultimately help us find structure, comfort, and stability. I’ll have more information on this in the coming weeks.

 Click here to read your horoscope for January. 

Uranus will be waking up from its five-month retrograde as the sun enters Aquarius on January 19. During this time, expect changes, endings, and grand finales. Uranus loves to throw curveballs at us to wake us up and liberate us from the old. Since Uranus is still going to be running part of the 2022 show, the more we allow ourselves to change around this time, the more we will grow in the year ahead.

Mars moves into Capricorn on January 25, bestowing us with the extra determination and energy to see all matters through. And on January 29, Venus ends its retrograde orbit, resolving any romantic and financial issues that came up during that time.