January 2023 Horoscopes

These horoscopes are based on your Sun Sign only. For a more accurate interpretation, read the information for your rising sign. For a completely personal interpretation based on your unique natal information, click on my Services link.


As January gets underway, Aries, you might hesitate to get started on your New Year’s resolutions, but you’ll be soaring by the end of the month. The emphasis is on your sector of goals and career, so this is the ideal time to create a game plan for 2023. Do it now while your enthusiasm is high, and you could be surprised by how much you achieve over the coming months. You might feel quite emotional when the full moon in Cancer reveals your vulnerable side on January 6. If you need a good cry, this is the time to let it all out. This lunar phase aligns with electric Uranus, so expect a few brilliant insights as solutions to domestic dilemmas also show up. The good news is that feisty Mars, your personal planet, turns direct in the sign of Gemini on the twelfth, which means that those plans and projects that have been on hold can now be dusted off and restarted. It might take a week or so for Mars to get back on track, but little by little you’ll sense that your energy and confidence are returning. Not long after that, on January 18, talkative Mercury turns direct in the sign of Capricorn, which will help with any delays and enable you to forge ahead with your brightest ideas. If you’re ready to enjoy a sizzling social life, the sun’s four-week stay in Aquarius, starting on the twentieth, is an excellent opportunity to join groups, become part of a team project, and enjoy mixing and mingling. The new moon in Aquarius makes a lingering tie with potent Pluto on January 21, and there’s a sense of shaking off the old and embracing the new. You’re looking for a fresh start, and this could be it. Finally, electric Uranus turns direct on the twenty-second. After making some changes within yourself, you’ll be ready to start changing your environment.


Taurus, a bold emphasis on your adventure zone brings many opportunities to further your cause by thinking ahead to all you’d like to accomplish. The coming weeks until January 20 are excellent for pursuing options that will bring out the best in you. They’ll challenge you and encourage your personal growth. Lovely Venus, your personal planet, moves into your career sector on the second, which gives you the charm and tact necessary to connect with people who can help you move forward. It would be good to socialize with them if you can, because this will speed your journey to success. You could get quite emotional around the time of the full moon in Cancer on January 6. You could have a heated conversation or be upset by someone’s words. However, this could be a revelation because you’ll discover what they’re really like, and you can then deal with them accordingly. Fiery Mars turns direct in your money zone on the twelfth, which is good news if you’ve experienced delays with financial issues. Things can start to take a more satisfying turn over the coming week or so. The radiant sun moves into Aquarius on January 20, which means the coming four weeks are a call to spend more time in the spotlight promoting your work and talents. It’s your opportunity to shine, so make the most of it to reach your goals. The new moon on the twenty-first could be a game changer. It can push you to consider a fresh start, so if you’re ready to launch a project, start a new job, or reset your career, this is the time to get moving. Finally, electric Uranus pushes forward in your sign on January 22, so if some area of your life is in a rut, you’ll be eager to do something about it.


As January gets underway and 2023 welcomes you into its embrace, Gemini, this is a great time to let go of whatever has been holding you back. The powerful focus on your sector of change and transformation until January 20 is your opportunity to clear out the deadwood. Get rid of emotional baggage, find closure on issues that have been draining your resources, and make space for all the good things that are coming your way. The full moon in Cancer on January 6 is an opportunity to release anything that no longer serves your best interests. Because it occurs across your financial axis, this is a great time to sort out money matters with a view toward finding solutions to debt and other issues that are preventing you from feeling secure and happy about your money situation. And you’ll feel much better as warrior Mars turns direct in your sign on the twelfth after being retrograde for around ten weeks. You’ll find that your energy and confidence return, and projects that have been on hold can now be dusted off and restarted. Brainy Mercury, your guide planet, turns direct in your financial sector on January 18, meaning there will be fewer delays around business and money matters from this point on. You’ll feel a shift as the sun moves into Aquarius and a more lighthearted zone on the twentieth. If things have been intense recently, you might be ready for a quick getaway or longer vacation to relax and get your bearings. This is the time to reach out and grab opportunities that take you out of your comfort zone. The new moon in Aquarius on January 21 is the perfect time to kick-start ideas and projects that have been on your mind for a long time. Get going now while you’re feeling enthusiastic about them. Finally, lovely Venus moves into your sector of career on the twenty-sixth, which can be a call to mix with movers, shakers, and influencers who can inspire your journey to the top.


Relationships are at the top of your agenda until January 20, Cancer, which is excellent for all kinds of romantic and business matters, collaborations, and other interactions. Over the coming weeks you’ll work better as part of a team than if you try to go solo. You’ll benefit from other people’s skills and expertise to get results that you could never manage alone. The full moon in your sign on the sixth might need extra care, though, because you could feel vulnerable around this time. Emotions could come to the fore, and the slightest thing could leave you in tears. If you need to cry, just let it all out. You’ll feel much better. In addition, feisty Mars turns direct in your sector of spirituality on January 12. This could inspire you to get in touch with a life coach or mentor who can help you overcome your limitations. You may have been especially aware of these when Mars was retrograde over recent weeks, but now is the time to do something about them. Lovely Venus moves into your sector of finance and business on the second, followed by the radiant sun on the twentieth. The coming weeks are your opportunity to take your business to the next level while also digging deep to resolve any issues that are preventing your progress. On the one hand, you’ll be looking to make more money; on the other, you’ll want to streamline your affairs and get your money working harder for you. The new moon in Aquarius on January 21 is the perfect time to kick-start new initiatives. Whether you want to start a business, launch a product, or make changes to the way you handle your finances, this is an excellent time to make your move. Finally, lovely Venus moves into Pisces and your sector of new opportunities on the twenty-sixth. Your appetite for life could increase, and you’ll enjoy meeting people from other countries and cultures.


Leo, you’re ready for some hard work as 2023 gets underway. The focus on your sector of work and wellness highlights coming to grips with your routines and making changes that can enhance your happiness and productivity. There are also opportunities to tackle wellness issues and explore ways to get fitter and enhance your energy and mood. Yet the full moon in Cancer on January 6 might encourage you to take a break and reflect on matters that could be preventing your progress. This lunar phase might be emotional, so try to simplify your day and take time out for some pampering, a massage, or anything else that will leave you feeling relaxed and at ease. You never know—you might get a brilliant idea while soaking in the bath or walking in nature. On the twelfth, feisty Mars turns direct in your social zone after its rewind phase of many weeks. If you’ve been reviewing your friendships and associations and the clubs and organizations you belong to, you might be ready for a fresh start. It’s time to move in new circles. Talkative Mercury turns direct on January 18, which will be a relief if you’ve experienced delays and frustrations over the past three weeks. Any misunderstandings can now be resolved. The sun’s move into Aquarius and your sector of relating on the twentieth ushers in a four-week period in which relationships and romance move higher up your list of priorities. You’ll be entering a more interactive phase in which you’ll want to spend more time with your partner and family and do more socializing. This is also a good time for teamwork and collaboration. Finally, the new moon in Aquarius on January 21 is a great opportunity to kick-start a new business partnership, take a romance to the next level, or start a project or challenge with your partner or a friend.


The year 2023 gets underway with the sun and other key planets in your leisure zone, Virgo. The days until January 20 encourage you to express yourself through art, crafts, or other hobbies. And if you have a brilliant entrepreneurial idea, now is the time to put it into action. You never know where it might lead. Romance could also be a priority, no matter what your relationship status. The full moon in Cancer on the sixth could coincide with a social event that’s fun but perhaps a little emotional. Try not to get carried away or do something that you might come to regret later. The good news is that feisty Mars in a high-flying zone turns direct on January 12 after being retrograde for around ten weeks. If your plans seemed to stall and you’ve felt discouraged, things can start to look up. Soon you’ll be firing on all cylinders. Quicksilver Mercury, your personal planet, turns direct in your leisure zone on the eighteenth, which can speed up the progress of a romance. And if a creative project has been delayed, your inspiration will soon return. The sun moves into Aquarius on January 20 for a stay of four weeks, and you might be motivated to make some improvements to your lifestyle. These could include changing your routines and abandoning activities that are a waste of time. By cutting out all the deadwood, new roots and shoots can grow, and you’ll soon start to see results. On the twenty-first, the new moon takes place in Aquarius and your work and wellness sector. It’s an invitation to kick-start new habits that can revolutionize your life and enhance your productivity. This is a good time to initiate plans related to your work, business, health, wellness, and anything else that contributes to your goals. If you’re thinking of starting a new job, send out your resume and get the ball rolling.


Your domestic zone is highlighted until January 20, Libra, making this a good time to get organized and get your home shipshape. If you feel like doing a thorough cleaning after the holidays, you might want to go one step further and give your place a fabulous makeover. It’s a good time to use fresh colors and a whole new look to welcome in 2023. There’s a powerful full moon in your sector of career and ambition on the sixth, which is best handled with care. You might be tempted to share your feelings in a very public way, but you could come to regret your actions later. Try to cut down on the stress in your life and give yourself more opportunities to unwind. With lovely Venus, your personal planet, moving into Aquarius on January 2 you’ll be in your element both creatively and romantically. The cosmos encourages you to take the time to enjoy yourself. Feisty Mars turns direct in your sector of travel and new opportunities on the twelfth. If your energy level has been low or you’ve lacked motivation, you’ll soon get back up to speed. And if key projects have been languishing on the back burner, this is the time to dust them off and start them up again. The sun glides into Aquarius on January 20, so the coming four weeks encourage you to tap into your skills and talents and indulge in your favorite hobbies. It’s a chance to put down the work projects and take up activities that fill your heart with joy. You can attract people who love what you do, so it’s also a good time to proactively showcase your skills both online and off. Finally, the new moon in Aquarius on the twenty-first is one of the better times to launch an important project, entrepreneurial idea, or anything else you want to work on. And if you’re eager to take a romance to the next level, now is the time.


You’ll be ready for some interesting conversations as 2023 gets away, Scorpio. The emphasis on your sector of talk and thought encourages you to speak out on a range of issues so you can find solutions. This is also a great time to negotiate, close deals, and connect with others on your wavelength. If you have administrative tasks to sort out, you’ll be in the mood to declutter and organize your workspace, which will enable you to think more clearly. Still, the full moon in Cancer on January 6 could leave you feeling vulnerable and perhaps doubting yourself. Your feelings could override logic, so this isn’t the best time to make any important decisions. Warrior Mars, your co-ruler, turns direct in your financial zone on the twelfth, which could make your life much easier. If the past few weeks have found you getting nowhere, you’ll soon be back up to speed. Your home and family sector comes into greater focus as lovely Venus moves in on January 2, followed by the sun on January 20. You might feel like taking a step back from life and reflecting on your priorities. You’ll also be eager to spend more time with family and relax and recharge when you can. The new moon in Aquarius on the twenty-first is perfect if you’re looking for a fresh start. Whether you’re thinking about moving, buying real estate, or giving your place a makeover, this is the time to go ahead. Lovely Venus moves into Pisces and your romance sector on January 26, which is excellent for enhancing your love life no matter what your relationship status. You might also go through a very creative phase when your imagination assists you in dreaming up artistic projects. And if you’re ready to get some inspiration from others, attending art and craft fairs or exhibitions can give you a few ideas.


If you’re trying to make sense of your finances, Sagittarius, you’ll be eager to take control as 2023 gets underway. This is the ideal time to set a budget to cover your bills and expenses as well as save for a rainy day. Note that with clever Mercury rewinding until January 18, you’ll need to take extra care. Keep receipts and paperwork so you can get your money back if necessary. The full moon that occurs across your financial axis on the sixth could encourage you to indulge in a little retail therapy. If you feel more vulnerable than usual, shopping might be a way to boost your mood. Try not to overdo it, though, because you could end up spending without thinking about the cost. Relationships can improve as warrior Mars turns direct on January 12. If you’ve felt dispirited by someone’s attitude toward you, they could begin to change for the better. In general, your connections with others can improve over the coming weeks. And if you’ve had to end certain associations, you’ll soon feel all the better for it. Tactful Venus moves into your sector of talk and thought on the second, followed by the sun on the twentieth, so communication is a powerful theme this month. You can now be very persuasive with coworkers or friends. And if you need to promote yourself, this is a great time to do that. The sun here encourages you to take stock and think about your plans and who might be able to help you with them. Networking can be the key to your success. If you have a project you’re eager to launch, go for at the time of the new moon on January 21. It could take off more quickly than you imagined. Finally, delectable Venus moves into Pisces and your home zone on the twenty-sixth, which can restore peace and harmony to domestic and family matters.


The emphasis is on your sign, Capricorn, with the sun here until January 20 encouraging you to express yourself and share your talents with the world. It’s an opportunity to focus on yourself for a change and get involved in activities that are close to your heart. However, with chatty Mercury retrograde in this sector until the eighteenth, you’ll still need to take care with deals and negotiations and be aware that delays are possible. Still, this shouldn’t stop you from focusing on your future and setting goals that really resonate with you. The full moon on January 6 takes place in your relationship zone, and it could highlight tension between you and another. If feelings have been building up but no one has said anything, this is when it could all come out into the open. Avoid making decisions in the heat of the moment. You might regret them later. Dynamic Mars turns direct in your lifestyle sector on the twelfth, which will make a big difference in your productivity. If you’ve suffered from fluctuating energy levels and found that your best-laid plans have turned to mush, things are about to shift to the positive. Soon it will be all systems go. The sun glides into Aquarius and your personal financial zone on January 20 and will remain here for around four weeks. This is an opportunity to take stock of your current situation and see how you can get your money working harder for you. The new moon the next day is the best time to initiate new financial habits that will help you save money and stay in control. If you’re ready to start a side hustle, this is the perfect time to go ahead. Finally, Venus enters Pisces on the twenty-sixth, and her presence here can help with discussions and negotiations and resolving communication issues.


As 2023 gets underway, Aquarius, the emphasis is on tying up loose ends and finding closure on issues that are draining your energy and resources. The more effort you put into cutting out the deadwood and freeing up space, the easier things will be for you when the sun moves into your sign on January 20. This is your chance to jettison emotional baggage and be free of anything that is preventing you from living life to the fullest. This is also a good time to be mindful of your dreams and listen to any intuitive nudges, because they could provide guidance that is useful for planning your goals and setting intentions. There’s a full moon in Cancer and your lifestyle sector on the sixth, so there is the potential to feel overwhelmed. Try to simplify your day and take time out to reflect on your work/life balance. Have you taken on too much? If so, this lunar phase can be a time to let go of activities that aren’t working for you. You’ll immediately feel better. Have you lacked inspiration lately? If so, it might be due to the retrograde phase of Mars in your leisure zone. It turns direct on January 12, which means that even if your creativity seems to have dried up, it will be back and you’ll soon be flourishing. The emphasis shifts to your sign when Venus moves in on the second, followed by the sun on the twentieth. Lovely Venus in this sector can encourage you to opt for a makeover, enhance your desire to get out and about, and encourage you to be congenial and sociable. Once the sun moves into your sign, be ready to get moving on plans and goals that you find deeply inspirational. And the new moon in your sign on January 21 is the perfect time to launch a project, begin a new habit, or take a relationship to the next level. Whatever you want to begin, do it now.


Pisces, you might be ready to bring a dream to life and get 2023 off to a fabulous start. The sun in Capricorn and your sector of long-held wishes could inspire you to walk your talk and get things moving. Just the act of taking those first few steps can inspire you to keep going and see it through to the end. Until January 20, the sun journeys through the sector encouraging you to broaden your social horizons and move in new circles, so you’re also in a peak social time of the year. You’ll want to connect with influential people, and this is a great opportunity to do just that. However, with a full moon in Cancer on the sixth, emotions could be more intense than usual. You might feel vulnerable and defensive, and this could show up in your interactions with a partner or others. This isn’t the best time to go on a first date, because you could find it difficult to relax and be truly yourself. You could be overly anxious, which would spoil the vibe. Feisty Mars turns direct in your home zone on January 12, which is good news, especially if your plans have been delayed. You can make progress now, especially if you used recent weeks to build a firm foundation for your current plans. You enter a quieter phase when the sun moves into Aquarius and your spiritual sector on the twentieth. The coming four weeks are your time to relax and recharge. Use this opportunity to find closure on issues, finish whatever you started, and leave a clean slate for when the sun moves into your sign next month. Finally, the new moon in Aquarius on January 21 is an excellent time to take up a practice like yoga, tai chi, mindfulness, or anything else that can help bring you greater peace of mind.