Uranus’s entry into Taurus was the big news in May and I know most of us are still sorting out where and how this is affecting us personally. (If you want to book a one-on-one consultation to see how this will affect your life for the next 7 years, click here.) We are already starting June, with the retrograde energy of Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto and by the time summer is over, we will have been dealing with 6 planets retrograde.
Gemini the Twins
Gemini the third sign of the zodiac begins its transit of the Sun on May 20th. Gemini is a mutable air sign ruled by Mercury. We have set off on a cosmic journey starting with Aries and Taurus. The Aries cycle brought a great burst of life force and initiative, like a seed exploding full of potential and possibilities. In the Taurus cycle, we planted this seed and stabilized its growth to ensure it has the fuel and endurance to survive the long process ahead. Now we reach the Gemini phase of our journey.
Uranus in Taurus - The Bull in the China Shop
For the last 7 years, Uranus the planet of change and innovation has been in active, aggressive Aries. We had overhauls to banking and commerce. The way we communicate with each other has changed with the ever increasing use of Facebook, Snapchat and Instagram. There have been dramatic upsets in politics, such as our most recent presidential election and the Brexit vote in the UK. Now we are on the precipice of a new era as Uranus moves into Taurus on May 15th. On this same day the New Moon moves into Taurus as well, making this the most fertile time of the year to initiate new beginnings in the material world.
May 2018 - Shake It Up
Pluto Rx in Capricorn - 2018
Pluto the planet of transformation, in structured Capricorn turns retrograde on April 22nd and remains there until early September. During its regular orbit, Pluto rules rebirth and helps us rise above the ashes to a better life. Pluto is the catalyst of change. Capricorn, a cardinal earth sign ruled by Saturn, is all about following the rules and hard-work. There are no short-cuts in Capricorn’s world.