Taurus the Bull

Taurus the Bull

On April 19th, the Sun will leave the action-packed, energetic sign of Aries for stable, practical Taurus.  A fixed, earth signed, ruled by Venus, the image of the Bull, should be more “Ferdinand”, less “china shop”.  In Taurus, it is now time to stabilize that Big Bang of exploding life force that began in Aries and secure its sure, steady growth. Without the grounding counter-balance, the new life energy would soon burn itself out after all that volatile, fiery exuberance. Taurus is our basic sense of worth, in the broadest meaning of the word; our material worth, as well as our internal self-worth. It is our values: what we consider worth the price, both literally or/and figuratively.

Saturn Rx in Capricorn - 2018

Saturn Rx in Capricorn - 2018

Even though Mercury is now moving forward, another slow down occurs as Saturn turns retrograde today until September 6th.  Saturn is now in its home sign of Capricorn.  Saturn is happy in Capricorn where his orderly and structured energy is appreciated.  Saturn in Capricorn will be teaching us a great many things about the effort it takes to mature and the importance of making that effort without expectation of what will be received. Now the work is the reward.

Mercury Rx in Aries - 2018

Mercury Rx in Aries - 2018

Mercury, the planet that rules over communication, thinking, writing and technology begins its first retrograde period of 2018 today until April 15, 2018.  Mercury is the ruler of talkative Gemini and efficient Virgo.  For 3 or 4 times each year, Mercury appears to orbit backwards or be in retrograde orbit and turns its cerebral energy inward. When this happens, appointments are missed; last minute cancellations occur and email is misdirected.  We don’t seem to be able to get our point across and the POV of others is lost on us. Murphy’s Law rules the day and we can expect nothing but chaos.  But for me, I have always felt the issue is that we are like the proverbial Sisyphus and his boulder, spending 3 weeks of futility trying to bend Mercury to our will.  

Aries the Ram

Aries the Ram

The Spring Equinox occurs on March 20th.  It is the first day of spring, the season of renewal and is when the Sun moves into the cardinal (action-orientated) sign of Aries.  Ruled by Mars, this masculine (outwardly motivated) fire (active) sign is the first sign of the Zodiac and begins the new astrological cycle. Aries turns ideas into action, is spontaneous, competitive and enthusiastic.