
Summer 2018 - A Slow Burn...

Summer 2018 - A Slow Burn...

There are a few truths I have learned by studying astrology the last 25 years.  First, everything has a pattern and secondly history repeats itself. It’s that repetition I am addressing today.  This summer is going to present a very challenging time, as we will have 6 planets in retrograde motion from June through August.  Astrologists call this a retrograde storm. Usually only 3 planets (at the most) retrograde at the same time, but because of the alignment of the outer planets we will experience either no retrograde planets or 5 or 6 at a time.

Pluto Rx in Capricorn - 2018

Pluto Rx in Capricorn - 2018

Pluto the planet of transformation, in structured Capricorn turns retrograde on April 22nd and remains there until early September. During its regular orbit, Pluto rules rebirth and helps us rise above the ashes to a better life. Pluto is the catalyst of change. Capricorn, a cardinal earth sign ruled by Saturn, is all about following the rules and hard-work. There are no short-cuts in Capricorn’s world.

Saturn Rx in Capricorn - 2018

Saturn Rx in Capricorn - 2018

Even though Mercury is now moving forward, another slow down occurs as Saturn turns retrograde today until September 6th.  Saturn is now in its home sign of Capricorn.  Saturn is happy in Capricorn where his orderly and structured energy is appreciated.  Saturn in Capricorn will be teaching us a great many things about the effort it takes to mature and the importance of making that effort without expectation of what will be received. Now the work is the reward.

Saturn Rx - Walk your Talk

Saturn Rx - Walk your Talk

Saturn turns retrograde on April 6th until August 25, 2017.  Saturn is all about restriction and limitation; Sagittarius ruled by expansive Jupiter is positive and optimistic. Saturn's job, whether by transit or in your birth chart, is to provide enough pressure so that we confront what isn't working in our lives. Saturn will have us work to change it or help us to let it go. Saturn in Sagittarius asks us to take on the responsibility of living according to our personal truths and principles and to be loyal to these.