2019 - Mercury Rx in Leo/Cancer
July 2019 - Eclipses, a Retrograde and the Lion's Roar
Mercury Rx in Aries - 2018
Mercury, the planet that rules over communication, thinking, writing and technology begins its first retrograde period of 2018 today until April 15, 2018. Mercury is the ruler of talkative Gemini and efficient Virgo. For 3 or 4 times each year, Mercury appears to orbit backwards or be in retrograde orbit and turns its cerebral energy inward. When this happens, appointments are missed; last minute cancellations occur and email is misdirected. We don’t seem to be able to get our point across and the POV of others is lost on us. Murphy’s Law rules the day and we can expect nothing but chaos. But for me, I have always felt the issue is that we are like the proverbial Sisyphus and his boulder, spending 3 weeks of futility trying to bend Mercury to our will.