June 2023 - Under Lucky Stars

Welcome to June! The month begins with Gemini Season and all its dualities. The striking paradoxes are already making our heads spin this year. Pride Month celebrations are coupled with a fierce fight for trans kids’ rights, LGBTQ+ rights and the legalities of drag shows. There is a loud uproar of anti-abortion and anti-gun regulation activists. The dualities can be overwhelming, and our human brains don’t cope well with that. To keep anxiety at bay, avoid doomscrolling into the wee hours and only read or listen to the news when you’re in a calm and centered space.

The Sagittarius Full Moon on June 3 persuades us to think in a broader manner while the Gemini Sun encourages us to think logically. Sagittarius symbolizes the quest for meaning and ideas that expand upon the “here and now.” Gemini is quite comfortable in its immediate environment or neighborhood. Neglecting either end of the axis will surely backfire on us. Ideally, a balance should be found between the two energies, and this is what the Full Moon invites us to do.

On June 5 Pleasure Goddess Venus enters Leo to add a dash of drama to our lives! As the planet of love and pleasure leaves the homebody sign of Cancer and enters fierce and playful Leo, we will be trading in our house slippers for our favorite heels. We’re going to have a boost in confidence, heightened self-expression, and motivation to remember that we are the main character of our lives.  The transit of Venus in Leo is one to watch, as Venus is scheduled to go retrograde in this fiery sign from July 22 to September 3. Venus only stays in a sign for three weeks, but due to its retrograde motion, Venus will stay in the Lion’s territory until October 7. Something is going to deeply change and transform where Leo resides in your charts.

Retrograde Pluto re-entering Capricorn on June 11 will be this month’s most impactful transit for the collective. Pluto, the planet of the underworld and transformation, doesn’t go unnoticed when it makes a change, we may not notice it on a personal level, but we will definitely feel it collectively as Pluto is heading back into Capricorn for its last hurrah. Pluto first entered Aquarius on March 23, but it must go back to Capricorn to wrap up the work it has been doing in this cardinal earth sign since 2007.

Another planetary backspin that takes us back to March is Saturn’s retrograde, which will be felt immensely, as it occurs on the same day as the June 17 New Moon in Gemini. Since March 3, Saturn has been swimming in the waters of Pisces, a sign that diminishes its powers. This planet sign combination relates to a three-year process that strives to dissolve our society’s old structures, in favor of building new ones. From now until November 4, we will review the progress we have so far made within this process of dissolution. Since the Sun will be forming its bi-annual square with Neptune as Saturn stations retrograde in the same zodiac sign, this is not a New Moon to set intentions. Instead, it is a time of surrender and letting go of whatever is being removed in the area of our charts ruled by Pisces.

On June 21 the sun enters the cardinal sign Cancer, deepening the influence of the water element. A profound sense of nostalgia takes over us as we take emotional walks down memory lane. After all, this is the solar season of the year that takes us back to our past and our ancestral roots. Solstice also marks the official start of Summer in the Northern Hemisphere and the start of Winter in the Southern Hemisphere. The Sun moving out of bubbly Gemini and into sensitive Cancer will guide us to be more in touch with our heart and body. Cancer is also a sign associated with loyalty, family, and creating a sense of home. With all of these energies activated, you may wish to explore ritual work, bonding with nature, and celebrating the turning of the seasons.

The last few days of June could feel quite foggy and disoriented for some as Neptune stations retrograde on June 30. Having three planets in retrograde, plus Venus on the way, can create a slow-down effect in our cosmic skies. We may find ourselves naturally looking back in order to move forward. Neptune is the planet of creativity, illusions, and dreams. In retrograde, it can lift the veil, guiding us to see the truth. We may not have seen things clearly before, but now we can see what has been going on behind the scenes. Think of this like a magician revealing a trick. What you were seeing was just an illusion, but now that you know how it’s done, it creates a shift. This shift may be big or small depending on where you are in your own life. A higher truth has now been found, and this higher truth will continue to evolve as you grow in consciousness. As we wrap up the month, our meditative and spiritual practices not only function as guidance, but they are also the refuge we seek in a world that is in constant movement.

Click here to read June’s Horoscopes