Special Supplement - Saturn Rx in Pisces

Saturn will orbit retrograde from June 17 to November 4, 2023. When Saturn turns retrograde for five months every year, it brings the receipts. Have you cut corners? Skipped steps? Shortchanged anyone? Whistleblower Saturn turning retrograde in Pisces will make everything shipshape again.

Saturn embodies all the trappings of being a grown-up - such as ambition, productivity, and achievements on a measurable scale. It's also the planet of terms and conditions, rules and regulations, and discipline, control, and authority. Saturn rules the parts of our lives that are mature and serious, such as responsibility and denial. This is the planet that makes us lock the door at night and hide our valuables in safe places. Thoughts and behaviors that call on us to be sensible and “act our age” are rooted in Saturn’s embrace.

For the first time since the mid-1990s, Saturn turns retrograde in Pisces, the sign of soulful and subconscious healing. Saturn spends around three years in each sign and it’s marching through Pisces from March 7, 2023, until February 13, 2026.

When stern Saturn is in dreamy Pisces, it’s a pretty odd couple. Saturn creates a world through boundaries and rules, while Pisces creates their own reality. Ultimately, Saturn in Pisces lives by their own set of rules and morals that often go against tradition. However, this can bring misunderstanding and solitude. Because Pisces is the last sign in the zodiac, Saturn in Pisces represents the end of a long journey. We’ve reached our limit and now have to think about what to do now. As a collective, we’ll need to let go of any toxicity that is holding us back and forge our own way forward. This can come in the form of spirituality, healing, or destruction. Our karmic return will guide us down the path.

 If you got a little too swept away in fantasy, this retrograde will force you to deal with reality. As we said, Saturn brings the receipts. Payback might be a challenging but lean into Saturn’s maturity and the empathy of Pisces. Get facts and feelings on the table. From there, you can negotiate a “repayment plan,” which might literally involve resolving a debt. But it could also mean showing up consistently to prove that you’re reliable and dependable. Keep in mind when your inner world is in order, navigating the external world gets a whole lot easier.

Here some tips for Saturn retrograde in Pisces:

  • Listen to your intuition, but rely on empirical data too.

  • State your boundaries up front and ask people about theirs. No assumptions!

  • Read the directions and don the safety gear.

  • Pay attention to the clock and don’t leave people waiting.

  • Set clear limits with your adult beverages, sugar or anything else addictive.

Now for some of you whose natal Saturn is in Pisces, you will be experiencing your Saturn return. Every 29.5 years (approximately) comes the Saturn return, a maturing rite of passage marking Saturn’s homecoming to the sign it was in when you were born. The first return happens between ages 27-30, depending on Saturn’s degree in your chart and is generally the first introduction to adulting. The second return occurs between ages 56-60 where now you are ready to take on the teacher/mentor role. Expect to hit some speed bumps around personal identity. Redefining yourself may feel like an act of rebellion and liberation rolled into one. Either way, a newer, truer you is emerging. To read more about your Saturn Return and to order a report, click here.

I know that these planetary backspins frustrate, stall progress and may even shuttle you back to the drawing board. The point? To ensure that you’re developing on a stable foundation and with proper levels of integrity. So, roll up your sleeves! You’ll have to work harder to muscle through the challenges Saturn brings beginning, but the additional effort will be worth it. By the time this retrograde ends in November, you’ll have sharpened your skills and gained rock-solid mastery over something that once eluded you.

To read your Saturn Rx Horoscopes click here