May 2023 - Rest & Recalibrate

As we begin the month of May, you’re most likely feeling the intense effects of the eclipse season: tiredness, confusion, and a deep sense of wonder. April and May overlapped the first eclipse season with Mercury retrograde, bringing the need to slow down and embrace the deepest of introspections. We also must remember that we are all still acclimating to the powerful currents of Pluto’s entrance into Aquarius and Saturn’s into Pisces. March really felt like the official start of the year around the Spring Equinox and May feels like the first time we can begin to calibrate, get our bearings, and center ourselves in the resources we need to build our dreams in this strange new world we’ve found ourselves in.

Indeed, it does feel like in May, the vibe truly begins to shift. However, it won’t happen until midmonth that we will feel the waves of optimism. Before we can get a glimpse at 2023’s sweetest astral transits, we will have to dance with some pretty intense forces. This month’s Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio is the second to last in a very destabilizing series that has been challenging many, especially the fixed signs, since 2022. And luckily, the astrology of the month ahead provides a much-needed rebirth and feeling of abundance.

Pluto enters retrograde once a year, and does so on May 1,  but this retrograde is extra significant as it’s the first retrograde Pluto has made in Aquarius. Pluto entered Aquarius earlier this year but will eventually backtrack into Capricorn on June 11. As Pluto makes its first retrograde through Aquarius, we are likely to see Pluto in Aquarius themes amplified. On a global level, we could see a spotlight on technology companies, as well as issues around currency, money, and power. On a personal level, Pluto’s retrograde will be very subtle and will gently pull on issues that need to step out of the shadows and into the light.

Happening on May 5 we have the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio. It is the continuation of the work we did last year, which involved unrooting many of the preconceived notions we’ve carried for too long. Since May of 2022, we started abandoning toxic ways of relating with one another, along with the deeply engrained need to live in crisis, survival mode. This is the shadow side of Scorpio, an energy that we will be exposed to again now. It is the universe’s reminder that it is time to turn pain into power and fear into mastery. If there was ever a sign to call in for this tough, energetic job, it would be Scorpio, the Alchemist.

On May 7 Venus enters Cancer. Venus is the planet of sensitivity and affection, while Cancer is the most nurturing zodiac sign. When these two get together it creates the potential for greater intimacy, and the chance to build up our romantic relationships. We’ll want to stay at home and bond, cuddle, and talk about our feelings. If your love life has been stalled, or if you’ve been dating a commitment-phobe, things may start looking up during this time. The urge to care for others will be stronger while Venus is in Cancer. Family and feeling connected to your roots will become more important and more fulfilling during this time. Your home will be your sanctuary, and you’ll want to do what you can to ensure that it is a safe space for you. If you’re in the market to buy or sell, Venus (the planet of money) in Cancer (related to real estate) may be a good time to act.

On May 14, Mercury stations direct in Taurus after being in Retrograde since April 21. As Mercury began its retrograde right after the Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse, we may see more themes from this Eclipse coming to light. This Mercury Retrograde took place in Taurus, so insights around our self-worth, productivity, progress towards our goals, and our relationship with money may all be highlighted. Mercury will take some time to get back to its former speed, so move slowly for the coming weeks and pay attention to any messages that are revealed.

Ten days after the eclipse and two days after Mercury goes direct, a transit many of us have been waiting for arrives. On May 16, Jupiter enters Taurus, a part of the sky it last visited in 2011 and 2012. This is positive for many reasons. Taurus is a Venus-ruled sign, and the promise of material wealth being more accessible to us is real now. We will experience the two “benefic” planets working in tandem, helping us root and adopt a “slow, steady, and determined” approach to our goals. Jupiter’s entrance into Taurus is the key celestial movement to focus on, as it will be a very welcomed planet/sign combination for all zodiac signs. We can make the best of this energy by setting our intentions right after the Taurus New Moon on May 19. A new or waxing moon is the best moment for manifestation. Whatever is begun by any of the signs during this time will grow into fruition over the course of the year to come.

The arrival of the New Moon in Taurus on May 19 helps to bring an end to the intensity of the Eclipse Portal. While the work of the Eclipses may still linger, no new Eclipse energies will filter into the cosmic skies. The Taurus New Moon will also bring some ease around any heightened emotions or challenging events triggered by the Eclipse. Under this New Moon, we are guided to embrace the simple pleasures. We may feel like indulging a little or taking some time out to rest and recharge. Our attention may also turn to our financial situation. This is a good time to get organized, create a budget, and work on aligning yourself with the abundance you deserve.

On May 20, Mars enters Leo. It’s important to know that Mars hasn’t been strong since the fall of 2022, which is when it performed its retrograde. Now, in a fire sign, it’s crucial to keep an eye on Mars. As it enters Leo, Mars will be forming a T-square with Jupiter in Taurus and Pluto in Aquarius. T-squares bring intensity and moments of crisis, with this one manifesting between May 20 and June 1. Suddenly, many of us will be feeling fire and ambition running through our veins. This activation can be great if channeled properly, but it can also drive us to push our agenda or stop on other people’s toes. We must remember that Pluto in Aquarius is bringing us a whole new world in the form of incredible technological advances in sustainable energy, artificial Intelligence, as well as shocking political shifts worldwide. Since we are taking some time to consider how this energy truly works, we must tread with care.

The winds of change begin to blow one more time as the sun leaves Taurus to enter intellectual Gemini on May 21. During its journey in this sign, the sun will create helpful alliances with other planets to open our minds. Gemini is an air sign, which means energy will move from our lower chakras to our higher chakras, fueling our creativity and our desire to share. Gemini Season is a great time to focus on communication and working with our hands. It is also power time when it comes to recognizing both aspects of our being. We are a soul, but we are also a physical body. This is the nature of the Gemini Twins. One twin is mortal, the other is immortal, representing our temporary body and our forever soul.

Ready to dive into May’s astrological mix? Here’s your horoscope for the month, according to your sun sign.