April 2023 - The Transformation Continues

Astrologically speaking, March was an unforgettable month with planets making significant moves that will have a long-term effect both personally and collectively. And in April, while we will have a fewer number of astrological novelties, the transformation continues! instead of bringing calm, April will take us on a wild ride. This is due to the arrival of the first eclipse of the year and the second Mercury retrograde of 2023. These two astrological events create an unpredictable atmosphere, so it’s best to pay attention and stay awake at the wheel in order to keep a handle on the chaos.

We begin the month with the sun in Aries and Venus in Taurus, so two of our natal planets are strongly placed in the sky. This is especially good news for those who felt tired and misaligned with their goals in March, as the star of our solar system will be commanding the reigns of the sky. The sun is exalted in Aries, meaning that solar energy of creativity and vitality is at its strongest until April 20, which is when the sun enters Taurus, the second sign of the zodiac.

The first significant lunar event of April arrives when the moon opposes the Aries sun to form the full moon in Libra. Rising in the sky on April 6, this lunar event brings an important culmination. Ruled by Venus, Libra is the sign of relationships, bringing the need to balance the efforts we invest in ourselves in “us” vs. “others.” We want to put ourselves first, but the need to make others happy will have us negotiating the terms and conditions of some of our important bonds.

On April 11 Venus enters Gemini. Venus' Libra rulership makes this pleasure-loving planet very much at home in Gemini's airy world. Gemini is a restless, curious sign. Venus rules your values; it indicates what you find pleasurable, what you want and how you love. During this time, we too may yearn for variety and wish to spice up our lives.  For some of us, that may mean new adventures with current partners, while for others it will mean new relationships. Venus in Gemini can be extremely flirtatious and more than a bit fickle, commitments are for another day.  Also, because Gemini is a dual sign, you may find yourself juggling two important relationships at the same time.

On April 19, the first eclipse of four in 2023 arrives. This is a very different eclipse from the ones we experienced in 2022, as it is the first one that occurs in the Aries/Libra axis, a new energetic signature that we will experience in 2023 and half of 2024. The fact that this New Moon/Solar Eclipse occurs at the karmic degree (29 degrees) of Aries means it signals a fresh start and a chance to plant new seeds for the future. However, because all eclipses hold an element of unpredictability, there is still some risk when it comes to acting now, as plans could turn sideways in a minute, or unexpected changes could force us to implement a plan B. This New Moon forms a square to Pluto, suggesting some obstacles to clear as we wrestle with our fears and ambitions. However, it aligns with Jupiter, encouraging resourcefulness, courage, and a good sense of opportunity. As well, Mars, the ruler of Aries, harmonizes with Uranus, pointing to a good sense of growing, innovating and improving through our experiences and new projects or initiatives. With this eclipse, we might experience a strong urge to act on impulse. However, it will be important to avoid jumping to conclusions and asserting ourselves without considering others’ feelings and reactions. There is a big difference between asserting ourselves from a place of healthy confidence, and asserting ourselves brashly and blindly, which can give us a false sense of confidence or bravery. Major developments in the personal areas ruled by Aries in our charts are likely to occur over the upcoming months.

The Sun enters Taurus on April 20 and with it brings the season of preservation and growth. Ideally, both of these energies are present in this Fixed Earth sign; preserve what you have and then encourage slow, steady growth. But due to this sign’s cautious nature, there is often an emphasis on preservation leading to stagnation and to stick with what you know. However not that we have Uranus in Taurus, that will not be as big of an issue. Taurus is about nature, resources, fertility and basic values. So this is a good time to ground yourself in what’s most important, especially if you’ve been feeling battered by current events. Remind yourself what matters most, to you. Then, consider what has the potential to grow in your life. What can you nurture? This is not the time to get complicated; focus on the simplest pleasures and what aligns with your values. Any relationship or situation that does not contribute to your security, comfort and growth needs to be weeded out. This is not a sign that lends itself to compromises, so consider if you’ve been undermining what’s essential for your happiness.

The last but not least important transit of April is the retrograde of Mercury, the second of four that occur in 2023. Beginning on April 21, this retrograde will occur in the earth and fixed sign of Taurus. The sign of the Bull is already a too slow and too cautious sign for the swift messenger of the gods. When Mercury is direct in Taurus, it tends to favor a slow pace, but once it stations retrograde, everything seems to come to a grinding halt. Since this retrograde is starting two days after the eclipse, we might feel a push-and-pull vibe. You may be ready to get something started only to discover it’s not quite that easy.  However, keeping a cool head will assure you the seeds planted will grow in due time. Lastly, Taurus is a money-making sign, some of us might need to curb our spending and review our budgets for the rest of the year. Take this opportunity to slow down, enjoy the ride, and truly set yourself up for success.

Click here to read April’s horoscope for your Sign.