Spiritual Spring Cleaning

This New Moon in Pisces is especially warm, generous, and optimistic with its alignment with Jupiter. The major planets are all direct, contributing to a feeling of moving forward. Venus, Mars, and Pluto are closely joined at this time, adding a dynamic and creative element to the energies of our new beginnings. If you've ever done a spring cleaning, then you may know how good it feels to give your home a makeover. If you're interested in a deeper cleanse, here are some tips try this year:

  • Burn away the negativity. Write down all the negative events, situations, tears, anger and sadness. The point is to remove the ill-will from your life. Be sure to have a fire-proof vessel ready, some water and an area that is safe to burn paper. This is a great way to remove the emotional cobwebs that so often hold us back.

  • De-clutter your space. You can’t meditate or set intentions when we're surrounded by clutter. Tidy your space, even if its just one room. Clean off your altar (if you have one), toss old candle stubs, dust your statues and magical books. It can also be helpful to purge items that no longer hold your interest and these can be gifted or donated to others to make way for something new.

  • Go outside. it's time to get outside after months of just sitting at home. This is a easy task, while still following COVID guidelines. Take a walk in your neighborhood or if you’re ambitious, take a hike. Observe nature all around you and see the beginnings of new growth and write in your journal about your feeling.

  • Get A Spring Cleaning Tarot Reading.
    Spring is right around the corner and time to get your spiritual garden ready to renew and bloom. The garden is very much a metaphor for life. Sometimes we need to cull certain aspects of our life if we want to experience growth and movement. This spread will help you clarify your path and get ready to plant your new seeds of growth. Your can schedule it here.