April 2022 - Twists and Turns

March has always been dubbed the wild month of the year.  In between Winter and Spring, March weather, “comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb”.  But I have always found April to be more unpredictable. I remember resentfully wearing snow boots instead of my new white Mary Jane’s on many a snowy morning when Easter occurred in April. While there’s no snow in the forecast April still has some surprises.

April is bookended by two new moons, a rare double-header in a single calendar month. On April 1, the Aries new moon charges up our energy and personal ambitions. The New Moon forms a square to Pluto, suggesting some obstacles to clear as we wrestle with our fears and ambitions. However, Mars, Aries ruler is trine to Jupiter encouraging opportunity, courage, resourcefulness, and confidence. And Venus aligns with the New Moon, suggesting that cooperation and diplomacy can help us move forward.

Harmonizer Venus is in Pisces from April 5, joined by passionate Mars on April 14. This will only amplify the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction supporting its positive side effects.

On April 12, expansive Jupiter syncs up with limitless Neptune, an event that only happens every 13 years and for the first time since March 17, 1856, this conjunction takes place in idealistic Pisces, the zodiac sign that Jupiter and Neptune co-rule. This conjunction can help us break free from imposed psychological barriers. The meeting of Jupiter and Neptune also signifies a collective awakening that helps to shift the entire consciousness of the planet. This is incredible, once-in-a-lifetime energy that can really help all of us to level up in our awareness and bring more love, light, and healing to the planet. The arts and activism could have a heyday. A Jupiter/Neptune connection also opens the floodgates globally. The last time this duo met in Pisces in the mid-19th century, it was a peak era for women’s suffrage, abolitionism and the Spiritualist movement. 

With a full moon in diplomatic Libra arriving April 16, here’s hoping that much-needed peacemaking efforts get underway. However, this full moon gets challenged by a tense square from Pluto. The month closes out with a New Moon in Taurus, which also happens to be a Solar Eclipse. Eclipses are harbingers of boldfaced changes, which can arrive with sudden or unexpected twists. The eclipses are part of a series agitating the Taurus/Scorpio axis between November 2021 and October 2023 and two of the four eclipses we will experience this year. Get ready for major changes to the economy during this period.

Out of fiery Aries Season and into earthy Taurus season we go on April 19. When we shift from Aries to Taurus, we can take all the seeds of inspiration that we planted under the Aries Sun and now begin caring for them, nurturing them, and helping them to grow. Taurus Season supports us creating a routine, being methodical in our work, and lots of self-care. Make time for pleasure in your life. 

Click here to read April’s horoscope for your sign.

Pluto’s retrograde period begins on April 29.  We are urged to undergo an internal form of house cleaning. It is a good time to research into our own Souls in order to determine exactly what we do or do not need. Because Pluto retrograde imparts an intense power for investigation, we should use this time to assess what reoccurring patterns in our lives make us feel out of control. Also, Mercury moves into Gemini today and will spend extra time in Gemini due to its upcoming retrograde period beginning in May. When Mercury is in Gemini, we are especially communicative, curious, and sociable. Mercury is right at home in Gemini, one of the signs that it rules. We are especially astute when it comes to arguing or making a point during this period. This transit makes it easy to get “lost” on the Web.

Challenging times typically call for action, and April of 2022 holds many opportunities for moving forward. Timing is important, so try to avoid the few sand traps that could drain energy this month.