March 2022 - Renewal

March is the only month of 2022 where we have no planets in retrograde. This means the month brings us some bold, fast, forward-moving energy that can help us push past our fears and take action on the things that we really want to do. Be sure to use this energy to your advantage; start new projects and move forward on the things that you want to do. Leave your excuses to the side and use this energy to make your move. This is especially true in the second half of the month as we cross over into Aries Season following the Spring Equinox. As the Sun shifts into Aries, the tone of the month shifts and waves of strong, fiery, leadership energy begin filtering down to us. This is where we receive the most Universal support for starting new projects, crossing things off our to-do list, and making our mark. Here is what March has in store.

The New Moon in Pisces takes place on March 2 and is a good time to commit to personal goals that express the positive energies of Pisces, such as taking a leap of faith, accepting imperfections in ourselves and in others, starting a project that requires imagination and visualization skills, consciously putting time aside for peaceful and rejuvenating activities and sharing a dream with another. With this potent Pisces energy, we have the chance to make important changes in our lives. This New Moon is especially warm, generous, and optimistic with its alignment with Jupiter. Its sextile to Uranus is progressive and open. The major bodies are all direct, contributing to a feeling of moving forward. Venus, Mars, and Pluto are closely conjunct at the time of this New Moon, adding a dynamic and creative element to the energies of our new beginnings. Relationships can be at the heart of our new beginnings, fueling our motivation to start fresh. Mercury and Saturn are closely aligned, lending a serious theme to the energies of this lunation.

On March 4, the Sun and Jupiter conjunct. The annual meeting of the Sun and Jupiter is considered one of the most beneficial and magical alignments in astrology. Jupiter amplifies whatever it touches, and as it comes together with the Sun, it amplifies its life-giving rays. In astrology, the Sun represents the core of who we are, so with Jupiter near it can bring a time of self-discovery, healing, and optimism. One of Jupiter’s gifts is getting us to see the bigger picture and the bright side of things. If something has been looking bleak or you have been wrapped up in some negative thinking, this may be the day to see if you can make a switch or reprogram the way you have been looking at things.

Venus and Mars enter Aquarius on March 6. Venus and Mars have been traveling together in our cosmic skies since mid-February. Today they both move out of Capricorn, into Aquarius where they will come together for one final time. This is a magical energy that can help us to balance the masculine and feminine within. Mars transit in Aquarius will make you confident and rebellious. You will be very energetic. Thus, you will be able to finish your tasks before deadlines. You will employ innovation and creativity to your best and move towards new horizons of your life. The transit will add to your charm, attracting people towards you. It will also enable you to give your partner space for the pursuit of their own goals. Venus in Aquarius is friendly, social, a communicator, experimental, open-minded, and may prefer a group setting rather than a closer one-to-one situation. Aquarius is the humanitarian of the zodiac, aware of social situations and cares to improve upon them. In money matters, saving is not exactly a priority with this transit so watch your wallets, especially if budget is tight. While Venus is in Aquarius, we are reminded that love doesn't have to be the tie that binds. It doesn't have to restrain. Instead, it can be freeing by valuing independence within the relationship.

Mercury enters the sign of Pisces on March 9 and our dreams become more vivid, our thoughts are looser, and our instincts are especially strong. Pisces thrives in a world of magic, fantasy, and idealism. While Mercury is here, our minds are more open and we can find solutions in places we’ve never even considered before. Mercury in Pisces shines a light on the furthest reaches of our minds to illuminate fresh ideas, creative inspirations, and different ways of thinking. Of course, there are also some cons to Mercury in Pisces. Miscommunication is possible, and we may have trouble staying on track. We might forget critical details, show up late for meetings, or say things that don’t quite make sense. But overall, Mercury’s time in Pisces can bring amazing new opportunities our way. There are no limits during this transit. We’re open to all possibilities.

The Virgo Full Moon on March 18 leads us into the Equinox and the start of the Astrological New Year. Full Moons represent points of release, so this is the perfect opportunity to purge all that we no longer wish to carry into the new year. Under these strong releasing energies, we may be guided to let go of self-critical thinking and the idea of perfectionism. Neptune is also very active under this Full Moon. While Neptune can boost our spiritual insights, it can also cloud things for us and make it harder to see the truth. Under the light of the Full Moon, we may have to be mindful of the idea that not all that glitters is gold. Trust your intuition, it will be your guide.

Click here for your March horoscopes 

The Sun moves into Aries on March 20, the Spring Equinox and a new astrological year begins. As we enter the new year, set some intentions for what you wish to call into your life. Aries is a sign of leadership, so think about what you want to take the lead on in your life. The Equinox is a high vibration day where we are guided to bring balance into our lives. 

Mercury follows the Sun and enters Aries on March 27. We are less concerned with objective viewpoints and explanations, and more concerned with reaching a decision quickly. Our thoughts and ideas are pioneering, and we tend to speak more spontaneously and directly with the planet of communication in bold and assertive Aries. Mercury’s shift to Cardinal Fire increases the forward momentum, and our need for action, adventure, and excitement. While Mercury in Pisces is associated with non-linearity and with the dissolution of outdated ways of thinking and perceiving reality, Mercury in Aries brings fresh energy into our minds: this transit is about birthing new ideas, possibilities, and ways of thinking.