The next Mercury retrograde of this year begins today, August 23 and ends on September 15, 2023. With Mercury joining this cosmic slowdown, we now have 5 planets in retrograde motion. Uranus will join the party on August 28 and while Venus will be turning direct on September 3, Jupiter will orbit retrograde the next day. But let’s concentrate on the matter at hand.
August 2023 - A Month of Soul Searching
August starts and ends with a Full Moon. On August 1st, we have the Aquarius Super Full Moon, and on August 30th, we have the Pisces Super Blue Full Moon. Having two Full Moons in the same calendar month means August will be a time for releasing, clearing, and letting go. All that is no longer resonant with our being will be up for release, and once we reach the month’s end, we will likely find ourselves wading through some empty spaces. We will have a total of six major cosmic players in retrograde throughout August, with Venus and Mercury being the strongest. All of this retrograde energy could create a sluggish feeling. We may feel like we are moving in circles, or perhaps having to go back over things we thought we had already dealt with. Our patience may be wearing thin, but there will not be a lot we can do to make things move any faster.
July 2023 - Transformation Ahead
July is a busy month, and the cosmic energy creates a turning point in the energy of our year. We may find ourselves needing more patience, and the desire to pause and reflect may grow. The biggest transit this month is Venus in retrograde. Matters of the heart may rise to our attention, and we may feel a spotlight shone on the relationships in our lives. There may be some challenging things that come into view, but we are also offered the opportunity for a deeper heart awakening. There is the chance that July could feel a little heavy because of this, however, the Universe is here to lend its support and does offer some lighter vibrations too.
Special Supplement - Saturn Rx in Pisces
June 2023 - Under Lucky Stars
Welcome to June! The month begins with Gemini Season and all its dualities. The striking paradoxes are already making our heads spin this year. Pride Month celebrations are coupled with a fierce fight for trans kids’ rights, LGBTQ+ rights and the legalities of drag shows. There is a loud uproar of anti-abortion and anti-gun regulation activists. The dualities can be overwhelming, and our human brains don’t cope well with that. To keep anxiety at bay, avoid doomscrolling into the wee hours and only read or listen to the news when you’re in a calm and centered space.