Mercury Rx in Scorpio
We have Mercury orbiting retrograde from today, October 31 to November 21, 2019, in the sign of Scorpio. Mercury in Scorpio can test you in the deepest regions of intimacy, whether the intimacy in question is emotional, sexual or financial. With Mercury retrograde in Scorpio for the next few weeks we are all about to go through our own personal lie detector test. It’s time to really come clean with yourself about what’s happening for you on a deeper level in your life.
November 2019 - The Awakening
The New Moon on October 27 and Mercury Retrograde on October 31 both in the sign of Scorpio, continues to affect us in November setting the tone for the contemplative winter season ahead. We’re encouraged to move away from our comfort zone and to welcome new ways to live, heal, and transform. It’s a time for taking a good look at what we may have chosen to sweep under the carpet. Mercury Retrograde is an excellent period for getting in touch with our instincts, motivations, and “dark” side. Retrograde Mercury periods tend to send us to the past for more or previously hidden information, and while in Scorpio, this is especially the case.