The new planetary energies coming into the spotlight in 2017 will be fueling us to step outside the norm. The ordinary just won’t do now. It’s time to take things into a brand new direction. The more willing we are to let go, readjust our perspective and embrace something new, the better off we’ll be with what 2017 has in store.
Capricorn and The Devil
On December 21st, the Winter Solstice the Sun moves into earthy Capricorn, ruled by Saturn and its symbol the tenacious Mountain Goat. The Sun in Capricorn picks up where the visionary Sun in Sagittarius left off where our ideals took center stage. In Capricorn, the Sun takes what's been envisioned and finds a way to make it happen, to make the commitment, devise the plan, do the work, etc. While the Sun is in Capricorn, we are reminded that each of us have a purpose in life.
Mercury Rx - Time to Bless and Release
This year began with retrograde Mercury and it seems only fitting to end with one as well. 2016 has been a challenging year in hundreds of ways and 2017 will bring new hurdles to deal with as well. (Watch for my 2017 Astrological Overview in a few weeks.) So this period of pause needs to be looked upon and used in the best possible way.
December 2016 - Moving Forward
Sagittarius and Temperance
Today the Sun began its month-long trek through Sagittarius, the sign of the celestial archer, which is assigned to the Temperance card of the tarot. Sagittarius’ ruler is the planet Jupiter and belongs to the element fire. In Scorpio, the Sun has been intense, careful, methodical, and concerned with longevity, in Sagittarius, the Sun is in good spirits, adventurous, open-minded, and opportunistic with big, bold ideas. It's the journey, not just the destination. While the Sun is in Sagittarius, dare to dream a little. Allow Sagittarian ideals to stir excitement within yourself. This is a perfect time to start thinking about those new goals and desires to be planted in the New Year.