This month begins with the heavy emphasis of intense Scorpio. The Sun, Mercury and the New Moon are all in this deep and often misunderstood sign. Planets in Scorpio understand the dark undercurrents of any situation, but what has occurred lately has been so intense, it leaves us all feeling paranoid, not purged.
Scorpio and Death
The Sun enters Scorpio on October 22nd this year. Represented by the Scorpion it is a passionate fixed, water sign and associated with The Death card in Tarot. Ruled by Pluto (its traditional ruler is Mars), the Lord of the Underworld, this sign known for digging deep to reveal what's below the surface.
Yes, Virginia, you are still a Capricorn!
I’ve had some of you email me lately about the latest 13th sign kerfuffle. Honestly, I wish the astronomers would stick to their side of the cosmos and leave us astrologers alone. Ever since the Age of Enlightenment, they have tried (and did succeed for a while) to call us crazy charlatans and sweep astrology under the rug. But that’s a post for another day.
October 2016 - Wisdom in Stillness
October begins with Mercury moving into fair-minded Libra on the 7th. With Mercury in Libra, our minds shift towards all that feels out of balance in our lives. Whether we apply this focus to the world-at-large or upon the inequalities in our relationships, we will now hone in on where things are out of proportion. Reciprocity is key, the give-and-take in all commerce, conversation and exchange.
Sun enters Libra
On September 22nd, the Autumn Equinox, the Sun begins its month-long journey through Libra, the Scales. Libra a cardinal air sign is ruled by Venus and assigned to the Justice card of the tarot. Libra is the sign of balance and under the influence of Libra we seek harmony between the aspects of our life that are inharmonious. Just as we cross the midway point of the seasonal year at this time, we also cross the midpoint of the Zodiac, which begins in the spring with Aries.