March 2023 - The Winds of Change

Fasten your seatbelt, as we have arrived at one of the most pivotal months of 2023! In more ways than one, the astrology of March is about cutting ties with the past so we can begin moving into the future. March is the first of some pivotal months this year. For those who have been navigating life while anticipating and hoping for change to happen, March will more than likely be the month that begins this process as the pressure in one area of your life will begin to ease up.

When Mercury enters the sign of Pisces on March 2, our dreams become more vivid, our thoughts are looser, and our instincts are especially strong. Pisces thrives in a world of magic, fantasy, and idealism. While Mercury is here, our minds are more open, and we can find solutions in places we’ve never even considered before. Mercury in Pisces shines a light on the furthest reaches of our minds to illuminate fresh ideas, creative inspirations, and different ways of thinking. Of course, there are also some cons to Mercury in Pisces. Miscommunication is possible, and we may have trouble staying on track. We might forget critical details, show up late for meetings, or say things that don’t quite make sense. But overall, Mercury’s time in Pisces can bring amazing new opportunities our way. There are no limits during this transit. We’re open to all possibilities.

The Virgo Full Moon on March 7, comes at the beginning of an incredibly busy energetic month, giving us a dose of whatever medicine is needed. It carries a healing vibration, guiding us to seek out the elixir that will be most beneficial to us right now. This is a time when self-care is paramount. The more we can show up for ourselves and take care of our own needs, the more we will move in harmony with this Full Moon. We may also feel the desire to clear away the clutter, tidy up our spaces, and make them a stronger reflection of the person we are becoming. Creating a safe space that fuels your creativity and productivity is a powerful way to use this Full Moon energy. With Saturn moving into Pisces shortly after this Full Moon peaks, we may also find ourselves wrapping up and releasing those karmic ties and Saturnian lessons for good.

Responsibility, boundaries, and karma have a new face. On March 7, just an hour after this month’s Full Moon in Virgo, Saturn enters Pisces. Saturn spends three years in each sign, so this movement is very significant at both a collective as well as a personal level. This is Saturn’s first time not being in a zodiac sign that it rules since 2017. This fact is not only expected to reduce Saturn’s stern and cold influence we’ve been experiencing since 2017, but astrologers also affirm it will be a very spiritual transit when the key to thriving is learning how to better flow and let go. This transit will be acting as a catalyst for spiritual, emotional, and internal growth. Things that were once thought to be “unrealistic” will become real. The laws of attraction and assumption will seem to be working a lot faster than usual, asking us to be very intentional with the things that we say and the actions that we take.  

Remember to Spring Forward!  Daylight Saving’s time begins on March 12.

After the intense relationship work and healing we did during the first half of March, love soars and sweet moments begin to arrive mid-month. Venus moves to Taurus on March 16 and our romantic lives will flow easily. Taurus is one of the signs that Venus rules,  and we seek security and value those things that are long-lasting. The sign of Taurus values the here and now and the world of the five senses. Tangible and physical expressions of love and romance figure strongly during the Venus in Taurus cycle. Holding on to someone or something we love is our tendency under this influence. The shadow side of this is excessive possessiveness and treating our partners as objects that we own or want to own.

When Mercury is in Aries on March 19, we are less concerned with objective viewpoints and explanations, and more concerned with reaching a decision quickly. Our thoughts and ideas are pioneering, and we tend to speak more spontaneously and directly with the planet of communication in bold and assertive Aries. Mercury’s shift to Cardinal Fire increases the forward momentum, and our need for action, adventure, and excitement. While Mercury in Pisces is associated with non-linearity and with the dissolution of outdated ways of thinking and perceiving reality, Mercury in Aries brings fresh energy into our minds: this transit is about birthing new ideas, possibilities, and ways of thinking.

The Astrological New Year arrives on March 20 as the sun enters Aries. This is also the very beginning of Spring for us here in the Northern Hemisphere and an incredibly fortuitous time to initiate new things. Whatever is launched or began today and even in the following days is infused with the raw and initiatory energy of the sign of the Ram. 

A New Moon in Aries follows the Equinox on March 21, amplifying its energy! This is a power New Moon for new beginnings and manifestation work. Use this magical energy to call in what you desire and wish to create for yourself moving forward. The energies are highly magnetic, so stay open to receiving. This New Moon is part of a trend of New Moons that have all been peaking at 1 degree of their respective zodiac sign. This is the last New Moon to fall at 1 degree, so whatever new beginnings have been in the works are likely to take shape now. This is also one of two Aries New Moons. The next New Moon in April will be a Solar Eclipse in Aries, so pay attention to the themes brewing around this time as you may get more insights as the Eclipse peaks.

The rarest shift that occurs this month is the short tour Pluto will take in the skies of Aquarius starting March 23. While Pluto will not remain in Aquarius due to its retrograde motion taking it back to Capricorn, we will begin to experience the themes that this planet sign combination will bring. Pluto entering Aquarius is the test drive before the main journey, which begins in earnest next year. Even so, it will give a strong clue to what’s ahead. During the 15 years it spent in Capricorn, Pluto brought great change regarding governments, traditions, financial institutions, and antiquated structures. Because Capricorn is an earth sign, climate change became a real concern for citizens around the world. As the planet of transformation begins to shift from earth sign Capricorn to air sign Aquarius, Pluto will begin to unearth shadowy themes associated with technology, revolution, and the collective. This transit will not be quiet nor dull. Instead, we can expect plenty of excitement as technological breakthroughs and a collective sense of renewal. 

On a personal level, those of us who have any personal planets (Sun, Moon, Ascendant (Rising), Mercury, Venus, or Mars) at the very beginning of the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius), will feel it the most. Pluto in Aquarius is the ideal transit to reinvent yourself, let go of the old you. 

March also brings the absolute end of a journey that began around October 30, 2022, when Mars went retrograde in Gemini.  Mars finally enters Cancer on March 25. If you have any natal placements in Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces, you could feel a sense of relief around the month’s end.

 To read this month’s horoscopes, click here