North Node/Uranus Conjunction

From today, July 29th and all through the month of August, there is troubling energy coming our way. This energy peaks on July 31 as Uranus, the planet of change aligns with the Lunar North Node which karmically represents our destiny in this life, and what we are here to accomplish. Both are in Taurus, a stable, fixed earth sign. The next day, Mars enters the mix.  (However, these events may happen on the same day in your time zone.) Mars will be conjunct Uranus and the North Node from July 22 to August 15, while Uranus stays within a few degrees of the North Node for the rest of the year and into February 2023.  While unsettling energy is not something we ever like to experience, the energy from the North Node gives us some reassurances that it’s leading us to a higher future; that it’s helping to unlock events that can help us to ascend in consciousness, not just on an individual level, but as a planet.

 Astrology is all about following the patterns, there is no record of this precise alignment, we do have some examples of similar energy from the past:

 November 1915  - Uranus/North Node opposite Mars

1.    World War I at its height with naval losses on both sides; Serbia and Bulgaria dragged into the conflict. 

 August/September 1961 Uranus/North Node

1.    Construction of the Berlin Wall began which symbolized the worsening Cold War.

2.    Dag Hammarskjöld, Secretary General of the UN was killed in a plane crash.

 September 1976 – Uranus/North Node conjunction

1.    Death of Mao Tse Tung, founder of the People’s Republic of China, bringing to an end a three decade long, brutal regime which killed between 40 and 80 million people.

 November 1991 Uranus/North Node

1.     A nor’easter that absorbed Hurricane Grace, and ultimately evolved into a small unnamed hurricane; over $200 million in damages

2.   Tropical Storm Thelma, one of the deadliest tropical cyclones in Philippine history, killing at least 5,081 people

Most recently:

 December 2014 Uranus/South Node

1.    January 2015 North American blizzard, a powerful and severe blizzard.

2.    Over 2,000 people are killed in northeast Nigeria after Boko Haram militants raze the town of Baga.

3.    Terrorist attack on the offices of satirical newspaper “Charlie Hebdo” in Paris killing 12, injures 11.

 The north node increases the energies at play, so in Taurus that means the desire for stability and security, self-worth and self-sufficiency, practical values and appreciation for the arts and sensual pleasures. The north node in Taurus may intensify greed and self-indulgence, but also the desire to find true inner security and wealth. Uranus and Mars joining forces with the north node means security will be hard to come by. We can expect an intensification of the already volatile financial situation, with the potential for shocks and unpredictability in the areas of banking, food and agriculture, real estate, supply chains and energy distribution. It also adds fuel to the disputes and wars already in play.

 It’s not all bad news. This transit could also trigger awakenings and increased awareness of the issues we face, leading to positive action and change. In fact, whatever happens, we won’t be able to avoid change from this point forward. The consequences of decades of poor decisions and the general entropy of the collapsing system are now barreling towards us.

The breakdown of food security in particular will make change inevitable. We may see an increased awareness of the need to shorten supply chains and reduce food waste and share what we have more equitably, and to develop a more prudent use of energy, with greater self-sufficiency and sustainability. Shocks to the system will encourage us to radically overhaul our values, rethink what we find valuable, what it’s worth possessing or doing for money, and what it means to be wealthy.

 Whatever unfolds under this fated alignment, it is important to remember that Uranus is the planet of awakening. While it can bring unsettling information or even shocking information at times, it does so to awaken our minds, to push us further, and to help us to break free from boundaries and restrictions.

 Now is the time to seek out positive opportunities to make changes in your life in the Taurus area of your chart. (Email me if you need this information.) You’re more likely to experience the positive side of this disruptive energy if you work with it consciously and don’t block or resist necessary change. You may have a great desire for freedom in this area and the need to be true to yourself. Here are some other positive actions we can take:

 1.    Journal this question. What new changes in my life am I resisting?

 2.    Make a list of 10 bold things you have always wanted to try. Would it be possible to take on 1-2 of these things this year? What is standing in your way?

 3.    At least once a week, more, if possible, make a point of getting out in nature and do some meditation connecting yourself to Mother Earth.  It doesn’t have to be a big excursion; your own backyard or balcony will do just fine.

Uranus is responsible for activating our Kundalini energy, for opening our third eye, and ascending to higher levels of consciousness. The energy of Uranus can spark innovation and lead to radical new ideas. The North Node is a sacred, karmic point in any chart, and as it’s activated by Uranus, we are all getting a shake-up to move us to our highest destiny and a higher expression of our truth. Consciously working with this energy can help to activate our purpose, move us in alignment with our destiny, and can help to awaken our consciousness to higher levels.