July 2022 - Breaking yesterday's Chains

The past few years have not been easy. I’m not going to reiterate the litany of our woes; we all know what we have been living with.  With the karmic North Node in conservative Taurus (an earth sign that rules the economic markets and material goods) and the South Node in Scorpio (which rules investments, violence and the body’s reproductive system), these events sadly do track with astrology. (The Moon’s Nodes represent lessons to be learned in this earthly incarnation. The North Node represents circumstances and activities that usually feel unfamiliar. but reveals massive growth potential. The South Node represents habit patterns from childhood or from past lives. These are comfortable patterns, but they often get in the way of you having the kinds of connections you.) But that doesn’t mean we don’t have a say in our future, or the power to influence the outcome of humankind. Let’s not forget that we have more options besides suffering, helpless outrage and denial. With outspoken Jupiter and warrior Mars in Aries, 2022 is a year that we have to (mindfully) fight and raise our voices. Because well, it’s gotten real. My philosophy regarding astrology is that we are given previews of what is coming our way, the good, the bad and the weird.  What we do with this energy is up to us, but at the very least we have been informed.  So, here’s what July has to say:

The month ahead comes with a deep focus on emotional healing, which can only be done by doing some good old shadow work. As we enter July, we are in Cancer season, the Sun could illuminate some of our old wounds, bringing a sea of emotions as a result. In addition, Mercury joins the Sun on July 5. Under this climate, we have a real opportunity to rise above and change the story around these specific wounds. Almost simultaneously, the Sun will be opposite Pluto Rx (on July 19) and Pluto’s influence opens the gates for some healing to take place, but only if we are strong enough to pay a visit to the Lord of the Underworld. Regardless of the nature of our own personal wounds, only getting to the heart of the matter will instigate the healing that the Cancer sun is requesting from us now. 

Our collective energy will go from fast and furious to a slower, more conservative but everlasting burn this month. When Mars enters solid Taurus on July 5, we won't be pushed or prodded into doing anything! That said, whenever we decide to use our energy for something that is meaningful, we won't stop until the job is done.

On July 13, we’ll see a supersized full moon as the year’s only Capricorn full supermoon fills the night sky. Capricorn is the sign of ambition and long-term goals. Check back on any of your new goals and resolutions to see if you’re aligned and on track. Correct course as needed.

Venus enters Cancer on July 17. In Cancer, Venus is nurturing, protective and self-protective, cautious, and fertile. We experience many emotional ups and downs in love under this influence due to our increased sensitivity and impressionability. We are tender, romantic, and attached. Cancer love is dedicated, warm, and devoted. With its sweet and repairing influence, we can trust Venus to return our optimism. 

Speaking of optimism, the Sun and Mercury enter Leo on July 19 and July 22, respectively. A taste of Leo energy is a mood lifter. We have month of this solar-ruled fixed sign governing the skies, putting us in touch with and passions. Leo is the sign of creativity and play. While the shadow side can stir up egos and domineering behavior, it’s a chance to lean into a sense of wonder and joy, especially at the July 28 Leo New Moon.  While intense, this is a fabulous lunation to begin anew and embrace a new sense of identity, one that feels more in line with that person we are becoming. 

Also on July 28, Jupiter goes retrograde, it’s not necessarily a bad time. This planet doesn’t really affect us the way that the others do during its backwards stint, which makes life seem easy and breezy for most. When Jupiter moves backwards in Aries, the only thing to watch out for is that there may be challenging moral dilemmas that hold us back from making decisions. Choosing the right path will take time and consideration to ensure that we’re on track. Because Aries can bring a fiery, rash energy, not acting erratically and impulsively is key. Jupiter will move back into Pisces in late October.

Remember those Nodes I was talking about and the opportunity to work with what’s coming your way.  Well, here is one of those times.  For the first time since 2007, the karmic North Node and radical changemaker Uranus, will make an exact conjunction on July 31. They’ll be traveling in close contact all month, so we’ll feel this throughout July. 

Collectively, there will be a release of energy that has been stuck below the surface for quite some time. Fed-up by their governments’ performance, environmental chaos, a tanking economy, and outdated laws, people in different parts of the world are expected to rise up. Uranus equals chaos, but Uranus also equals activism, freedom, and imminent change. It will be up to us to use this energy wisely, as it is in our favor if we manage to channel it right.

At a personal level, we must make a big change in the area of our charts ruled by Taurus. Something in our lives is begging to be released, and the more we hold on to it, the harder things will be. Seeking liberation and freedom in this part of our lives will be key.

Optimistically, the north node does point us in the direction we’re supposed to go. Perhaps some justice will be served. 

 Click here for your July horoscopes