December 2022 - Crossing the Finish Line

It’s here, the last month of 2022! December will feel different, as some of the planets will be moving from mutable fire (Sagittarius) to cardinal earth (Capricorn). As the ambitious energy of the Sagittarius begins to take hold, we might fall into the trap of wanting to push forward certain goals. But remember, Mars is still in retrograde only to be joined by Mercury at month’s end. With planets moving backwards in the sky, December is much better spent in deep reflection. Before we enter 2023, the universe requests that we focus on healing, which will require honesty and courage on our end. 

We begin the month with master illusionist, Neptune, waking up from a long retrograde. Since June 28, Neptune has been bringing reality checks our way. Some of us have been waking up to painful realities we didn’t want to face or see. Practice healthy discernment and ask yourself: “Am I seeing what I want to see, and not what’s real?”

December’s Gemini full moon arrives on December 7, amping up the mutable energy in the sky. Since the moon will be right next to Mars, this is a crucial moment along our Mars retrograde journey. Major “ending” vibes surround this lunar event, as Mars’ job is to “separate.” 

On December 9, Venus enters Capricorn and getting serious about our finances and boosting our relations with business partners and/or co-workers will be easier than usual under this influence. Our talents for creating artistic structure and form are enhanced, and our ability to form connections with people who support our ambitions is increased. We value enduring connections, reliability, and faithfulness. We take expressing our feelings seriously, and we take our time to warm up to others. We generally keep our “cool” in relationships.

On December 20, one day before the Winter Solstice, Jupiter enters Aries, a territory it explored between May 10 and October 27. For those who don’t buy into the illusion of pushing their agenda or chasing lofty goals, this shift can be very positive. Under this combination of energies, what Jupiter wants us to do is to embody the archetype of “the spiritual warrior,” seeking answers within. If you find yourself getting impatient this Capricorn season, know that in 2023, we will all experience growth, but first, we must go within and face the masculine side of our shadow. Doing this work now will transform and reinvigorate your passion in the year ahead. 

December 21 the sun enters earthy Capricorn, heralding the Winter Solstice. From now on, the days start becoming longer, a moment a lot of us await. For the next four weeks, we will take a serious approach to life. The great news about the astrological chart of the Winter Solstice is that the sun will be squaring Jupiter, a promising vibration that will prevail for the next three months! 

A New Moon in Capricorn arrives when the moon catches up with the sun, in the sign of Capricorn, on December 23. Following on the endings that the December 7 Full Moon brought, this lunation brings a new beginning for our relationships. The luminaries meet in the first degree of Capricorn, known as the “anaretic degree,” a place in the sky poised for action. 

On Christmas Eve we have a lovely Venus/Uranus trine. Desires to express yourself more freely and authentically will rise into your surface awareness and demand expression during this 2 day transit. In relationships where you have been repressing or restraining essential aspects of yourself, you will feel inspired to shift the dynamic. In some cases, you may make a sudden change in the way you’ve been relating that surprises the other person. What’s really going on, though, is your need to emancipate yourself from the inhibiting elements of the previous relational dynamic. This can be an exciting time for your creative process, in which you can make innovative strides in any crafts or mediums utilizing your artistic or imaginal abilities. You’re not interested in doing things the way you or others have done them before. Instead, you’re finding the most direct and exciting way to express your feelings and desires in your work and relationships.

On Christmas Day, the Moon and Jupiter come together, and you will feel a moderate increase in your tendency to say “yes” to opportunities today, but not so extreme that you are likely to take on more than you can handle. Figure out what smaller steps are available for you to work on accomplishing today that lead directly to your larger vision of the life you want to create. You will feel more comfortable taking on more manageable tasks than anything feeling too far out of reach. You are also more likely to feel generous than normal and interested in being of service to those you identify with or share an emotional connection, making this a good time to be socially active and plan a fun activity with friends or loved ones.

Our cosmic messenger, Mercury, goes retrograde on December 29, in Capricorn. We will ring in the New Year with Mars and Mercury in retrograde motion. When the retrograde of two natal planets overlap, we are in for big shifts in our perception of reality. Set aside the pen and paper, and instead of writing a list of resolutions, watch, observe, and reflect. Mercury will remain in retrograde motion until January 18, so only until then we will know for sure what we truly want in the year ahead. In the industrious sign of Capricorn, Mercury asks serious questions. At its highest vibration, retrograde Mercury in Capricorn will lead you to ask yourself: “What is truly my role in this vast world?

So, another year is almost done. I hope you are proud of what you have achieved over the last 12 months. I hope you can honor all the ups and downs and celebrate where you are today, even if it’s not where you want to be forever. Sometimes just acknowledging that can help to bring ease. It’s ok if you are not enjoying the view right now; things will shift, you will keep growing, and life will keep moving.

Click here for December Horoscopes