Mercury Rx Survival Guide

The planet Mercury turns Retrograde from August 30th to September 22nd.  As the planet of communication, Mercury retrograde tends to breed a certain level of confusion. Decision-making is challenged during Mercury retrograde. Needless to say, it is not advised to sign contracts, engage in important decision-making, or launch a new business. We all know the drill.  There are lots of rules surrounding this cycle.  Lots of don’ts.  But we have to live in the here and now and while it would be nice to press pause for the next three weeks, that’s not possible.  So what can we do?  I’ll get to that, but first let’s examine the energy we are dealing with.

This retrograde period, Mercury is in Virgo.  Virgo is the sign of self-improvement, personal organization, and service. Since Mercury is at home in its traditional rulership of Virgo, this retrograde period may force awareness of the necessity of cleaning, tidying, organizing and purging. You know the expression ‘the Devil is in the details’? Well during Mercury’s retrograde in Virgo, the Devil is the details. This is the sign is very discriminating in their choices. They have an instinctual drive to create order and bring practicality to situations. 

Here are 6 positive do’s to employ over the next few weeks:

·       Look at past decisions and ideas from a new, possibly enlightened perspective.

·       This is a good time for reviewing recent work, as long as we don’t get caught in a loop of            perfectionism.

·       We might consider renewing old self-care, health, or fitness programs.

·       A time to reevaluate our routines and habits, and we might give more thought to the meaning of our work or services.

·       Do finish what you've started. Don’t start anything new, instead use this time to take stock of whatever you've already got going on and finish existing projects.

·       Renegotiate or reconsider existing contracts. If at all possible, avoid new agreements.

Some people are more sensitive to Mercury retrograde cycles than others. Individuals with Gemini and Virgo sun and rising signs are likely to be particularly sensitive in general. This also applies to anyone who has a number of planets in either sign. Want to know how Mercury Rx will affect you?  Email me for a custom report.