May 2022 - Cosmically Energetic

The cosmic energy of May 2022 feels thick and heavy. There are so many energetic influences swirling through the Universe, and we may have to take extra steps to manage our energy levels and keep ourselves in a state of balance. The three important astrological events of the month are the Mercury Retrograde in Gemini, the Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio and the move of Jupiter into Aries for the first time in 12 years. May is going to be a turning point month. We may feel stretched to our limits and both weary and excited by any transformations that may come our way. It is also likely we will experience the ending or closing of a chapter in our lives this month.

 Venus enters Aries on May 2, and brings supportive energy in our cosmic skies for manifestation work and setting intentions. As May is just a big, bold month, this would be a good time to get prepped for the month ahead and to set intentions that are primed for your wellbeing. Schedule some self-care and take steps to recharge your energy. If your plate feels overwhelmingly full, this is also a good time to start creating space so you can better manage your stress levels.

 On May 10, expansive Jupiter makes another sign change, blasting into cardinal fire sign Aries. Jupiter in Aries brings a fresh new energy into the collective consciousness and gets us thinking about new beginnings. This energy is highly energetic and innovative. Jupiter’s visit to Aries is divided in two parts. Its first round from May 10 until October 28; after that, it will dip into Pisces for a final two months, returning to Aries in December. Since December of 2021, this planet has been in Pisces, making a historic meetup with imaginative Neptune on April 12. If reality has seemed stranger than fiction (i.e., Elon Musk now owns Twitter?!?) you’re witnessing Jupiter’s bold and bohemian brushstrokes here. Ready to make a dream into reality? Pay attention to those inner prompts, because Jupiter will be serving you a cup of courage a week later, firing up your initiative. 

 When Jupiter flips from dreamy Pisces into unstoppable Aries, it can be jarring. We’ll need to keep our nerves and our impulses in check with greater vigilance.

As conscious beings, we have the power to manage how we navigate this combustible energy.

 Back up your data and devices and keep your opinions off the Facebook. Mercury, the planet of technology, travel and communication, will make its second retrograde this year. We know that this period will scramble signals and distort information. We’ll need to take extra precautions with all of our messaging and plans. Mercury will reverse through its native sign of Gemini from until May 22 and it then will move into tenacious Taurus for the duration, causing people to dig in their heels until it finally corrects course on June 3.

 On May 16, the Full Moon arrives as a total lunar eclipse, putting all Scorpio’s secrets and mysteries under a bright spotlight. This is the third installment in an eclipse series on the Taurus/Scorpio axis that will transform our lives between November 2021 and October 2023 and the first one in transformational Scorpio. Taurus and Scorpio are the signs associated with money, sensuality, ownership and power, and these themes will prevail over the next 18 months. The lunar eclipse will also bring resolution or a pivotal turning point to an issue from the April 30 Taurus Solar Eclipse.

 May horoscope closes out with a New Moon in Gemini, which will hopefully provide some balm in the midst of Mercury retrograde. Open up some productive dialogue and start rolling out the runway to Mercury’s return to direct motion coming a few days later. Where could two heads be better than one? This lunar lift in the sign of dynamic duos supports us teaming up for the win!

 The Sun moves from earthy Taurus into the air sign of Gemini on May 20. With Mercury, Gemini’s ruling planet in retrograde, the energies may feel a bit sluggish at this point. We may be a little worn out from all of the cosmic activity! As Gemini is an air sign, we can take steps to ease our minds, clear any mental chatter, and pay attention to our intuition. Gemini is the sign of the twins. One twin is mortal, the other immortal, signifying the balance between our human side and our spiritual side. Bringing these two states into harmony or balance may be needed under the Gemini Sun.

 On May 24, Mars enters its ruling planet of Aries, strengthening its energy. Our energy is spontaneous, forward-looking, and even courageous under this influence. Our competitive spirit is well-developed, and our goal is to win! We are active, single-minded, and confident. Our actions are direct–we instinctively find the fastest way to get from point A to point B. The shadow side of Mars in Aries is a tendency to be impatient, arrogant, impulsive, short-lived, unreflective, and self-centered. With all this fiery energy, we may feel motivated to start new things, welcome new beginnings, and embrace the changes that have unfolded. Mars in Aries can also bring a boost of energy our way, encouraging us to shake off any anxieties through movement and caring for our physical bodies.

 To close up the busy month of May, we have the Gemini New Moon. This New Moon brings an end to Eclipse Season. As the Eclipse Portal closes, the energies will simmer and lighten. We may feel fresh new energy emerging under this New Moon. We may feel our minds have been opened to accept new ideas and to release any thoughts of attachment. Our soul side and our human side may also be feeling a greater balance and acceptance.

 It is worth noting as we come to the end of May, we now have Jupiter, Venus, and Mars, all in Aries. This sends some strong, fiery waves into our cosmic skies. Be prepared.

Read your May horoscopes here