December 2019 - Endings and Beginnings

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There is a lot going on this month both in our mundane and astrological worlds.  It’s the end of the year and more importantly the end of a first decade of the 21st century.  The next year has so many cosmic alignments that point to big change and a new way of doing things and it seems that December brings the perfect balance of energies to prepare us for what’s to come.

The biggest game changer begins right in the beginning of the month on December 2 with Jupiter leaving its cozy home sign of Sagittarius and moving into task-master Capricorn for the next 12 months.  Persistence is one of Capricorn’s strengths, allowing us to overcome obstacles when we are clear about what we want and how to go about getting it. Unlike the huge leaps forward we took during Jupiter in Sagittarius, Jupiter in Capricorn is a time of moving at a more measured pace. The downside to Jupiter in Capricorn is that we can become more attracted to power and the people who possess it. We might chase power blindly, giving away our own control if we’re not careful. Those of you with your natal Jupiter in Capricorn are going to have an auspicious year and I’ll have more information on that and this transit of Jupiter in general soon.  

After 9 weeks in Scorpio, Mercury finally moves into Sagittarius on December 9 where nothing is hidden. This energy is honest to the point of bluntness.  Be prepared that when you ask a question you may get more than you bargained for.  Whether in our personal or professional life we need to be careful and cautious as to not get burned by this sometimes overly optimistic fire sign.

On December 11, we have a slightly tense Full Moon in Gemini. This is a more challenging Full Moon and will be highlighting where we have not faced the truth, especially in our relationships and finances. As the holidays approach, our relationships and finances are often highlighted anyway, so having extra emphasis here may not be something we really desire. However, we have to keep in mind that this is the last Full Moon before Eclipse Season begins, which means this our last opportunity to really own up to the truth of what we see and feel, and take responsibility for it. And this Moon’s square with Neptune adds a touch of victimhood to our feelings and warns not to get too caught up in fantasy.

Venus shifts into friendly Aquarius on the December 20. Just in time to emphasize friendships and opening up to new experiences over the winter holiday season and into early January. Venus in Aquarius loves to mingle; put your extrovert cap on for the next few weeks as there will be plenty of opportunities to meet and greet interesting characters.

 The Winter Solstice occurs the next day on December 21 when the Sun moves into Capricorn ushering in the winter season. There's a serious tone about this time of year because it's when we look for new hope in a time of darkness. Capricorn is an Earth sign ruled by karmic planet Saturn, so when the Sun moves into this sign, we'll all spend a little time contemplating the karmic lessons from the past year. There is an exact square between Venus in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus this solstice. This indicates that for the next three months, (until the spring equinox) there will be an underlying desire to separate from those who do not understand or agree with you and to cement stronger ties with friends that think the way you do. It is also represents more opportunities to learn about subjects that are considered “out there”. Conferences, workshops, astrology, crystal healing, and new innovative methods of healing or creative living situations will be more prolific over the next three months.

With the potent New Moon in Capricorn/Solar Eclipse energy on December 26, we have the chance to make important changes in our lives that will benefit us well beyond this Moon cycle. (Eclipse energy lasts up to 6 months.) This is a time for setting practical, attainable goals; working on developing maturity and common sense in the personality; considering the future, and preparing for it. For some of us, circumstances are such that we need to pay more attention to these matters. The eclipse point itself is aligned with Jupiter and forms a harmonious trine to Uranus, and there can be a real sense of excitement, progress, growth, improvement, relief, and release along with our new beginnings now.

Mercury enters practical Capricorn on December 28 and our thoughts come down to earth, our ideas are realistic, and communication becomes very clear. Mercury is the planet that rules our minds and influences the way we think and speak. Because Capricorn is one of the most conservative signs of the zodiac, Mercury’s transit here puts a methodical, rational spin on our thought processes and interactions. While this may not seem like the most exciting time, Mercury in Capricorn is full of benefits and the timing couldn’t be better: This transit always happens near the New Year, blessing us with grounded, goal-oriented energy to help us make and keep our resolutions.

December is a month for closure but also for welcoming in the new. No matter what comes, take the time to be kind and respectful of yourself and your journey.

 Thank you all for another year of allowing me to translate the language of astrology.  I wish for all of you and yours all the blessing and good will of the holiday season and good fortune and abundance in the New Year.

 Solar Horoscopes of the Sun in Capricorn

(These horoscopes are based on your Sun Sign only. For more accurate information read your rising sign as well.  Or better yet, order a customized forecast.)

As the Sun fires up your 10th House of Destiny, you feel inspired to focus on achieving success. Your goal is for your work in the world to match your inner reality, and this month will give you clear signs of whether or not you're on the right path. If you seem to be climbing the wrong mountain, now is the time to reset your course and start trekking in another direction.

In your 9th House of Travel, the Sun inspires adventures -- though these may be business-related or otherwise practical. This is a time for broadening your horizons and expanding your vision, whether through physical, mental or spiritual journeys. Encountering new and different people, places and ways of thinking helps you clarify your own beliefs and spiritual values


The Sun in your 8th House of Intimacy signals a time for profound bonding with others or getting more serious about a current partnership. Being willing to explore your deepest emotions -- and sharing what you find -- opens the door to greater intimacy. Any subconscious blocks or fears related to getting close will also be lit up.
Lighting up your 7th House of Partnership, the Capricorn Sun brings the opportunity for new love, or for deepening a current relationship. A pragmatic, realistic and systematic approach works best now for reaching your relationship goals. Get clear about what you want, and take responsibility for making it happen.

The serious Capricorn Sun in your 6th House of Work and Duties calls your attention to the details of day-to-day reality. Becoming more organized and efficient in your daily routines is your assignment this month, which frees up your energy to focus on what really matters.

Capricorn is the only Sun sign that rivals your own in workaholic tendencies, but with the Sun in your 5th House of Play and Pleasure, all this hard work can actually be a lot of fun! Your task this month is to clarify what really makes you happy, and make a New Year's resolution to schedule more joy into your busy life.

The Sun in your 4th House of Home and Family indicates a time for turning inward and attending to your domestic life. Your focus is on strengthening your base of support so you're better able to accomplish your outer-world goals. Clarify what you need in order to be more effective, and take a systematic approach to organizing and streamlining your space.


The Capricorn Sun activates your mental powers, bringing clarity and concentration to your 3rd House of the Mind. If you've wanted to focus on writing, speaking, studying or teaching now is the perfect time. The people you encounter in your daily life can have valuable information for you now, especially related to work or business.
It's time to get serious about your finances, as the Sun shines on your 2nd House of Resources. Last month you created a bold new beginning, and now you need to get practical about sustaining your vision. Careful financial planning this month can establish a strong base of support for the coming year.

Happy Birthday, Capricorn! The Sun in your 1st House of Self signals the start of a new cycle of leadership and success. As you begin your personal new year, consider how you can most effectively present yourself to the world -- you may want to alter your look to reflect your inner changes. And with Pluto also in your sign now, you're in for transformational times ahead -- what do you need to let go of so that you’re new, more authentic self can be born?

The Capricorn season is especially inward for you, Water-Bearer, as the Sun sneaks into your 12th House of the Unconscious. Your birthday year is coming to an end and now it's time to rest and recover for next month's rebirth. Meditation, music, poetry and dance can help bring you into a deeper place of stillness, where you can access your inner wisdom and renew your vision.

Your goals for the future come into sharper focus as the pragmatic Capricorn Sun visits your 11th House of Hopes and Wishes. Look to your friends -- especially those who are older than you -- to help you gather practical wisdom about how to make your dreams come true. Reaching out and getting involved with your community energizes your vision.