April 2019 - Spinning Forward
So we can all shake off the lingering effects of Mercury Retrograde from last month. Even though April has 3 planets moving retrograde, these periods will be more reflective than chaotic, allowing us to get plans moving. We still have plenty of that Aries (until the 20th) energy to ignite our plans going forward.
Aries the Ram
The Spring Equinox occurs on March 20th. It is the first day of spring, the season of renewal and is when the Sun moves into the cardinal (action-orientated) sign of Aries. Ruled by Mars, this masculine (outwardly motivated) fire (active) sign is the first sign of the Zodiac and begins the new astrological cycle. Aries turns ideas into action, is spontaneous, competitive and enthusiastic. It’s ruler Mars is the defiant spirit; it shows courage, fearlessness and is a lover of a challenge. In this form Mars is the moral champion, ready to take up arms on behalf of others less able or willing to put their necks on the line. When poorly placed and displaying its less noble traits, it represents needless aggression, violent eruptions, assertiveness to the point of selfishness, and the urge to take from others without due regard to their needs and well-being.
Mercury Rx in Pisces
The first Mercury retrograde period of 2019 begins on March 5 until March 27 in Neptune ruled emotional, mutable Pisces. Mercury does not perform well in Pisces and is considered in its “fall” (debilitated and weak). So in addition to the usual confusion associated with Mercury’s backward orbit, we may feel more emotionally and mentally uncertain. Pisces rules the hidden and unseen, so be mindful whom you trust. Sneaky or shady behavior could be on the rise. Along with protecting your data and devices from the typical retrograde mayhem, shield your energetic field and keep your boundaries firmly intact, certainly a challenge during Pisces time.